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发布时间:2018-12-27 10:35
【摘要】:高等教育资源或机会的不公平配置问题,在不同地区之间、不同城市之间、不同社会阶层之间等诸多方面都比较突出,加之近年来社会对高等教育的需求逐年增加,公众对于高等教育实施过程中出现的不公平问题越来越关注。在此大背景下,,研究高等教育过程的机会平等、教育资源的合理配置等公平性问题,就显得十分重要。 由于地理、历史的原因,东部地区经济相对于中西部地区要繁荣的多,因此教育经费相对充足,高校众多。而西部地区经济欠发达省份地广人稀,教育资源相对匮乏,在教学实施、设备、师资力量等方面都明显落后于东部地区。加之由于城乡二元结构的存在,乡村和城市之间的差距越来越明显。乡村没有自己的图书室,没有完整的教育实验设备,以至于农村学生的受教育机会在起点上就处于劣势,再加上我国许多高校招生的城市化倾向,使得农村学生在高校中的比例越来越低。此外,社会阶层之间的差距也是引起高等教育不公的一个重要原因。由于经济与所处环境的约束,处于社会低层次的人由于认识不到接受高等教育的重要性,导致其缺少必要的生活技能与文化知识,结果只能是贫者愈贫;而处于中高阶层的人,由于没有经济的限制,他们更想通过提高学历来证明自身的价值和潜力,进而可获得更多的教育资源,结果导致教育资源越来越集中于高收入的人群。长此以往,可能会加剧社会财富分配的两极分化。 通过研究认为,要从根本上改善高等教育资源与机会失衡问题,必须从内、外两个角度进行分析。内部因素有教育体制本身、教育政策等方面,外部因素主要是经济的不平衡发展和人们观念的不同。本文着重使用以下方法对高等教育不公平问题进行探讨。用文献分析法,对国内外高等教育公平理论的相关成果作了重点梳理;用因素分析法从政治、经济、观念以及文化传统等方面入手,分析引起高等教育不公平问题的可能原因;用比较分析法对比分析不同地区、不同阶层之间的高等教育不公问题。同时在此基础上提出了改善高等教育资源或机会不公平分配的基本对策。以期本论文的研究成果有助于促进高等教育资源或机会向更加公平的方向发展。
[Abstract]:The unfair allocation of higher education resources or opportunities is prominent in many aspects, such as different regions, different cities, different social strata, etc. In addition, the social demand for higher education has increased year by year in recent years. The public is more and more concerned about the unfair problems in the implementation of higher education. Under this background, it is very important to study the equality of opportunity in the process of higher education and the reasonable allocation of educational resources. Due to geographical and historical reasons, the economy of the eastern region is more prosperous than that of the central and western regions, so the education funds are relatively sufficient and there are many colleges and universities. However, the economically underdeveloped provinces in the west are sparsely populated and lack of educational resources, which lags behind the eastern regions in teaching implementation, equipment and teachers' strength. In addition, due to the existence of urban and rural dual structure, the gap between rural and urban is becoming more and more obvious. The countryside does not have its own library and has no complete educational experimental equipment, so that rural students' educational opportunities are at a disadvantage from the starting point, in addition to the urbanization tendency of many colleges and universities in our country. It makes the proportion of rural students in colleges and universities lower and lower. In addition, the gap between social classes is also an important cause of inequality in higher education. Because of the restriction of the economy and the environment, the people at the lower level of society do not realize the importance of higher education, which leads to the lack of necessary life skills and cultural knowledge, and the result is that the poor become poorer. Because of the lack of economic restriction, the people in the middle and high class want to prove their value and potential by improving their academic qualifications, and then obtain more educational resources. As a result, the educational resources are more and more concentrated on the high-income people. In the long run, it is likely to exacerbate the polarization of social wealth distribution. In order to fundamentally improve the imbalance of higher education resources and opportunities, it is necessary to analyze it from two angles: internal and external. The internal factors include the educational system itself, the educational policy and so on. The external factors are mainly the unbalanced development of economy and the difference of people's ideas. This paper focuses on the use of the following methods to explore the inequality of higher education. With the method of literature analysis, this paper focuses on the related achievements of the theory of higher education equity at home and abroad, analyzes the possible causes of the unfair problems of higher education from the aspects of politics, economy, concept and cultural tradition by the method of factor analysis. Comparative analysis is used to analyze the inequality of higher education in different regions and different classes. At the same time, it puts forward the basic countermeasures to improve the unfair distribution of higher education resources or opportunities. The research results of this paper will help to promote the development of higher education resources or opportunities towards a more equitable direction.


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