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发布时间:2019-01-03 12:14
【摘要】:理想信念是人生里程的一座灯塔,是人们对未来的追求和向往,,它能引导着当代大学生沿着正确的方向走向成功,更是当代大学生的政治立场和世界观在奋斗目标上的集中体现。崇高的理想信念是一种强大的精神力量,它可以激发大学生的主动性、积极性和创造性,给其斗志、激其奋发。邓小平曾经说过“理想信念教育是高校德育的核心,要求在新的情况下启迪引导青年学生正确地观察认识世界、选择人生,真正树立起建设有中国特色社会主义的共同理想和坚定信念,这是高校思想政治教育的核心,是高校德育的根本。”胡锦涛同志强调:“理想信念是一个思想认识问题,更是一个实践问题。没有以生活为中心的教育是死教育。没有以生活为中心的学校是死学校。没有以生活为中心的书本是死书本。”因此,如何坚定理工科大学生的理想信念,树立其正确的世界观、人生观、价值观就成为一个非常现实的问题。深入研究当代理工科大学生理想信念问题,以崇高的理想信念构筑当代理工科大学生的精神支柱,把大学生培养成中国特色社会主义现代化事业的建设者和接班人,使其肩负起承前启后、继往开来的历史使命,对于回应各种挑战,具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。 本文共分四部分进行阐述:第一部分,绪论。主要介绍论文的研究目的、研究意义、研究现状、研究方法及论文的创新与难点。第二部分,理想、信念的内涵、特征与功能。从基本概念、特点和意义三方面入手,探讨继续加强理工科大学生理想信念教育的重要性。重点从大学生所处的社会环境、自身的特点要求、高校理想信念教育的现状、理想信念自身的重要性四个方面分析理工科大学生理想信念教育,揭示新形势下加强理工科大学生理想信念教育的必要性。第三部分,新形势理工科大学生的理想信念教育现状调查。以问卷形式对某高校的大学生理想信念教育现状调查,对文科院校和理工科院校的理想信念状况进行比较分析,从而准确、客观的得出理工科院校学生理想信念的特征,从而为本文的研究提供可靠的事实依据。第四部分,新形势下当代理工科大学生理想信念教育的对策思考。建议从学校内部和外部社会进行教育,通过全体师生的共同努力,创造健康向上,积极文明的育人环境。
[Abstract]:Ideal and belief is a beacon of life mileage, people's pursuit and yearning for the future, it can guide contemporary college students along the right direction to success, The political position and world outlook of contemporary college students are embodied in the goal of struggle. Lofty ideals and beliefs are a powerful spiritual force, which can stimulate the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of college students, give them fighting spirit and encourage them to make great efforts. Deng Xiaoping once said that "ideal and belief education is the core of moral education in colleges and universities, and requires enlightening young students under new circumstances to correctly observe and understand the world and choose life." It is the core of ideological and political education in colleges and universities and the foundation of moral education in colleges and universities to establish the common ideal and firm belief of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. " Comrade Hu Jintao stressed: "ideal and belief is an ideological and practical problem." Education without life as the center is the education of death. A school without a center of life is a dead school. A book that has no centre on life is a dead book. " Therefore, how to strengthen the ideal and belief of college students of science and engineering and establish their correct world outlook, outlook on life and values has become a very practical problem. To study in depth the problem of the ideal and belief of contemporary science and engineering college students, to construct the spiritual pillar of contemporary science and engineering college students with lofty ideals and beliefs, and to train them into builders and successors of the cause of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. Making it shoulder the historical mission of connecting the past with the future and opening up to the future has very important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for responding to various challenges. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, introduction. This paper mainly introduces the research purpose, research significance, research status, research methods, innovation and difficulties. The second part, ideal, belief connotation, characteristic and function. This paper discusses the importance of strengthening the education of ideals and beliefs of science and engineering college students from three aspects of basic concept, characteristics and significance. From the social environment of college students, the requirements of their own characteristics, the present situation of the ideal and belief education in colleges and universities, and the importance of the ideals and beliefs themselves, this paper analyzes the ideal and belief education of college students in science and engineering. This paper reveals the necessity of strengthening the education of ideal and belief in college students of science and engineering under the new situation. The third part, the new situation of science and engineering college students' education of ideals and beliefs investigation. The present situation of college students' ideal and belief education is investigated by questionnaire, and the ideal and belief conditions of liberal arts colleges and science and engineering colleges are compared and analyzed, so as to obtain the characteristics of students' ideal and belief accurately and objectively. So as to provide a reliable factual basis for the study of this paper. The fourth part, under the new situation, the contemporary science and engineering university student ideal belief education countermeasure ponder. It is suggested that education should be carried out from inside and outside the school and create a healthy and civilized educational environment through the joint efforts of all teachers and students.


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1 田建国;[N];中国教育报;2004年

2 胡锦涛;[N];人民日报;2003年

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1 郝德新;关于新时期理想信念教育的思考[D];南京师范大学;2003年




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