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发布时间:2019-01-06 08:46
【摘要】:我国高等教育进入大众化阶段以后,如何保障和提升高等学校教学质量,已成为高等教育改革和发展的关键问题。美国高校之所以保持了较高的教学质量,课程实施大纲(syllabus)是一个关键因素。通过研究美国高校课程实施大纲,可以给我国高校改进教学质量保障提供一定参考。 本论文研究的问题是:课程实施大纲的理论依据是什么?课程实施大纲的功能有哪些?课程实施大纲的各组成部分与要求是什么?课程实施大纲对我国高校教学改革有哪些启示?研究者以收集到的67份美国本科院校和社区学院的课程实施大纲为研究对象,运用内容分析法对课程实施大纲进行了理论分析和要素分析,揭示课程实施大纲的基本特征和撰写要求,以及与保障教学质量之间的关系。 研究发现,作为教师开课前必备的教学文件,美国高校课程实施大纲体现了师生间强烈的契约意识,,是对师生教与学行为的约束;同时,大纲设计充分反映了以学生为中心的教学理念和对学生的学习需要与学习过程的关注,是学生学习的指南和教师教学的凭借;此外,大纲是教学规范化管理的载体和教学评价的依据,教学质量监控因此而贯穿于教与学的全过程,这从根本上确保了教学的整体质量。大纲一般包括了七个关键要素:基本信息、课程介绍、课程目标、课程资料、课程要求和评估标准、其他政策以及进度安排。通过分析发现,在大纲撰写过程中,教学目标应清晰明确,具有可测性;各要素内容则始终围绕教学目标展开,充分体现教学以学生为主体的思想;各类课程政策应尽可能全面,避免师生间不必要的矛盾;课程进度安排应结合实际教学时间编排,明确停、调课时间。不过,不同的课程会有不同的大纲,即使是相同课程不同的授课教师,大纲编写上也会大相径庭,这也充分体现了美国高校在强调管理统一规范与尊重教师教学自主之间保持了合理的平衡。 通过对课程实施大纲的研究,研究者对推进我国高校教学改革提出了几条政策建议:1.建议高校出台相关政策,将教师在开课前向学生提供课程实施大纲作为强制规定,并要求教师严格按照大纲进行教学;2.建议高校组织专人对教师的大纲编写工作进行指导和培训,并设立大纲编制评价机制;3.将大纲与教师的教学考核挂钩,并作为生评教的依据,使学生成为监督教师教学的主体;4.将大纲作为下一轮高等学校本科教学工作水平评估的基本指标。
[Abstract]:After the popularization of higher education in our country, how to guarantee and improve the teaching quality of higher education has become a key issue in the reform and development of higher education. Curriculum implementation outline (syllabus) is a key factor in maintaining high teaching quality in American colleges and universities. By studying the curriculum implementation outline of American colleges and universities, we can provide some reference for improving the teaching quality of colleges and universities in our country. The question of this thesis is: what is the theoretical basis of the curriculum implementation outline? What are the functions of the syllabus? What are the components and requirements of the syllabus? What enlightenment does the curriculum implementation outline have to our country university teaching reform? Based on the 67 syllabuses of undergraduate colleges and community colleges in the United States, the researchers used content analysis method to analyze the curriculum implementation outline theoretically and essential elements. It reveals the basic characteristics and writing requirements of the curriculum implementation outline, and the relationship between the curriculum implementation outline and the guarantee of teaching quality. It is found that, as a necessary teaching document before teachers' opening, the curriculum implementation syllabus of American colleges and universities embodies a strong sense of contract between teachers and students, and is a constraint on the behavior of teachers and students in teaching and learning. At the same time, the outline design fully reflects the student-centered teaching concept and the attention to the students' learning needs and learning process. It is the guide of students' learning and the basis of teachers' teaching. In addition, the outline is the carrier of the standardized management of teaching and the basis of teaching evaluation. Therefore, the monitoring of teaching quality runs through the whole process of teaching and learning, which fundamentally ensures the overall quality of teaching. The outline generally contains seven key elements: basic information, course introduction, course objectives, course materials, curriculum requirements and evaluation criteria, other policies, and scheduling. Through analysis, it is found that in the process of writing the syllabus, the teaching goal should be clear and clear, and the content of each element should always be carried out around the teaching goal, which fully embodies the idea that students are the main body of teaching. All kinds of curriculum policies should be as comprehensive as possible to avoid unnecessary contradictions between teachers and students. However, different courses will have different syllabuses, and even if the same courses are taught by different teachers, the syllabus will be written quite differently. This also fully reflects that American colleges and universities maintain a reasonable balance between emphasizing unified management norms and respecting teachers' teaching autonomy. Through the research on the curriculum implementation outline, the researcher puts forward several policy suggestions to promote the teaching reform in colleges and universities in China: 1. It is suggested that colleges and universities should issue relevant policies and make it mandatory for teachers to provide students with the curriculum implementation outline before the course starts, and require teachers to strictly follow the syllabus in teaching; 2. It is suggested that colleges and universities organize special personnel to guide and train teachers in the preparation of the outline, and set up an evaluation mechanism for the preparation of the syllabus. 3. The syllabus is linked with the teacher's teaching assessment, and as the basis of students' evaluation of teaching, students become the main body of supervising teachers' teaching; 4. The outline is regarded as the basic index of the next round of undergraduate teaching level evaluation in colleges and universities.


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