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发布时间:2019-01-06 19:07
【摘要】:随着来华留学教育的进一步发展,越南留学生在中国已是一个日益壮大的留学群体,他们在华学习和生活适应状况受到日益广泛关注。 云南作为中国与越南山水相连的省份,以其独特的区位优势吸引了许多越南留学生前来留学,越南留学生成为了云南在昆高校留学生的主要群体之一。另外,云南作为中国面向西南开放的“桥头堡”后,招收更多的越南留学生到云南留学将成为今后云南高校对外教育工作的重点之一。在新形势下为做好越南留学生的教育和管理工作,有必要对在昆越南留学生的跨文化适应问题进行研究,帮助他们了解自己的行为方式和情感倾向,调整在不同文化环境下的学习和生活。本文尝试以在昆高校的越南留学生为对象进行跨文化适应状况研究,从语言适应、环境和日常生活适应、人际交往适应、学习适应等方面研究他们在新文化环境中的适应状况,从而提高对越南留学生的全面认识,促进对越南留学生的有效管理,为相关管理部门对越南留学生的教育和管理提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the further development of the education of studying abroad in China, Vietnamese students have become a growing group of overseas students in China, and their study and life adaptation in China has been paid more and more attention. Yunnan, as a province connected by mountains and rivers between China and Vietnam, has attracted many Vietnamese students to study abroad because of its unique geographical advantages, and Vietnamese students have become one of the main groups of students studying in Kunming University. In addition, Yunnan, as a bridgehead for southwest China, will be one of the key points in Yunnan's foreign education in the future. In order to do a good job in the education and management of Vietnamese students in the new situation, it is necessary to study the cross-cultural adaptation of Vietnamese students in Kunn, so as to help them understand their own behavior patterns and emotional tendencies. Adjust the study and life in different cultural environment. This paper attempts to study the cross-cultural adaptation of Vietnamese students in Kunn University from the aspects of language adaptation, environment and daily life adaptation, interpersonal adaptation, learning adaptation and so on. In order to improve the overall understanding of Vietnamese students, promote the effective management of Vietnamese students, and provide a reference for the relevant management departments to the education and management of Vietnamese students.


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