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发布时间:2019-01-10 15:20
[Abstract]:Medical students majoring in clinical medicine are the future medical workers, and they are shouldering the sacred mission of saving lives and helping the wounded in the future. The level of professional ethics of medical students is not only related to the life and health of the people, but also to such a frontier minority area as Xinjiang. Through the doctor-patient relationship, which is a barometer of the professional ethics of medical workers, it directly or indirectly affects social stability and national unity. The clinical practice stage is for medical students from university to society. The intermediate link and transition stage from student to doctor is also the most important moral practice stage of professional ethics training. Therefore, it is the first time in Xinjiang to carry out an empirical study on the training of medical students' professional ethics in clinical stage. Have certain meaning. This paper expounds the important significance of the professional ethics training of medical students in clinical practice for medical students themselves and the society. Through a large amount of data analysis, this paper summarizes the current situation of medical students' professional ethics training in the current clinical practice stage, taking the social learning theory of educator and psychologist Bandura as the main supporting theory. This paper deeply analyzes the shortcomings and causes of medical students' professional ethics education in clinical practice stage, and puts forward a series of countermeasures from the perspective of ideological and political education, based on the current medical profession's demand for medical talents. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the research significance, research background, research content and research methods. The second part is an overview, mainly according to its internal logical relationship, moral, professional ethics, The related concepts of medical professional ethics and professional ethics training are defined, and the importance and particularity of medical students' professional ethics education are pointed out. The third part mainly expounds the significance of medical students' moral cultivation in clinical practice, and expounds the significance of medical students' moral cultivation from individual, social and national levels. The fourth part is the empirical analysis, the researcher conducted a detailed questionnaire survey and interviews with 799 students in two universities, and used SPSS19.0 software to analyze the factors influencing the moral cultivation of medical students in clinical practice stage. According to the viewpoint of contradiction theory, the main influencing factors are divided into internal factors (students' subjective factors) and external factors (social environmental factors and hospital environmental factors). In this paper, the intermediary effect model of "environment, behavior and professional ethics" is put forward by using A-MOS software, and the existing problems and reasons are put forward. The fifth part is the suggestion countermeasure part, mainly according to the basic principle of ideological and political education and Bandura's social learning theory, puts forward a series of countermeasures in three aspects: "enhancing subjective cognition" purifying social environment "and" improving practice environment ".


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