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发布时间:2019-01-10 17:08
【摘要】:大学生正处于一个特殊的年龄段,生活在特定的环境中,对社会的认识还处于一个朦胧的阶段,难免受社会的影响,形成错误的恋爱消费观。本文采用调查问卷和访谈的形式,对大学生的恋爱消费状况进行了调查和分析,从伦理学的角度进一步分析了大学生恋爱消费观中存在的问题,并探询帮助和引导大学生树立合理的恋爱消费观的路径。 文章的第一部分首先分别对消费、恋爱消费的相关概念进行了界定,指出无论是恋爱还是消费都是人的一种社会活动,是人社会属性的体现。然后具体阐述了古今中外学者在恋爱观和消费观方面的理论,奠定了文章写作的理论基础。最后指出恋爱观、消费观和人生观价值观之间的内在联系。 第二部分主要以问卷调查和访谈为基础,从恋爱消费的来源、去向以及大学生的恋爱消费观三个方面分析了大学生恋爱消费的现状。并从大学生恋爱消费的现状入手,分析了大学生恋爱消费中存在的问题:一、过分追求形式浪漫,导致恋爱中的消费主义倾向;二、片面强调感官享乐,催生恋爱消费中的享乐主义思想;三、盲目重视面子攀比,促使虚荣消费心态不断膨胀;四、过度突出自我权利,导致道德责任的缺失。 第三部分讨论了帮助大学生树立正确恋爱消费观从而树立正确的人生观价值观的实现路径。文章指出,要树立正确的恋爱消费观首先要有正确的理论作指导,在恋爱消费中要坚持和谐消费原则、适度消费原则和自主消费原则。最后指出大学生要树立正确的恋爱消费观,必须坚持自律和他律相结合,,并从学校、家庭、社会和大学生自身四个方面探讨了帮助大学生树立正确的恋爱消费观的实现路径。并得出结论,大学生要树立正确的恋爱消费观需要高校加强教育,家庭强化引导,社会倡导和谐消费文化以及大学生自身提高修养。
[Abstract]:College students are in a special age, living in a specific environment, the understanding of society is still in a hazy stage, inevitably by the influence of society, forming a wrong concept of love consumption. In this paper, by means of questionnaire and interview, the author investigates and analyzes the situation of college students' love consumption, and further analyzes the problems existing in college students' view of love and consumption from the angle of ethics. And explore ways to help and guide college students to establish a reasonable view of love consumption. In the first part of the article, we define the related concepts of consumption and love consumption, and point out that both love and consumption are a kind of social activities of human beings, which is the embodiment of the social attributes of human beings. Then, the author expounds the theory of love and consumption, which lays the theoretical foundation for the writing of the article. Finally, it points out the inner relationship among the values of love, consumption and life. The second part mainly based on questionnaire and interview, analyzes the current situation of college students' love consumption from three aspects: the source of love consumption, the direction of love consumption and the view of college students' love consumption. Starting with the current situation of college students' love consumption, this paper analyzes the problems existing in college students' love consumption: first, excessive pursuit of formal romance leads to the tendency of consumerism in love; Second, one-sided emphasis on sensual pleasure, the birth of love consumption in the hedonism; third, blind attention to face comparison, promote Vanity consumption mentality continues to expand; fourth, excessive emphasis on self-rights, resulting in the lack of moral responsibility. The third part discusses the way to help college students to set up the correct outlook on love and consumption, thus to establish the correct outlook on life. The article points out that to establish a correct concept of love consumption, we must first have the correct theory as the guide, and adhere to the principles of harmonious consumption, moderate consumption and independent consumption in the process of love consumption. Finally, it is pointed out that in order to establish a correct view of love and consumption, college students must adhere to the combination of self-discipline and heteronomy, and explore the ways to help college students establish a correct view of love and consumption from four aspects: school, family, society and college students themselves. It is concluded that college students need to strengthen education, strengthen family guidance, advocate harmonious consumption culture and improve their self-cultivation in order to establish a correct view of love and consumption.


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