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发布时间:2019-01-11 14:33
【摘要】:高等教育的改革关键在于建立完善的现代大学制度,而我国现代大学制度建设的主要环节之一是大学章程建设。《规划纲要》的出台提出高等学校要制定章程,明确说明了大学章程建设受到足够的重视。大学章程建设的重点在于章程的制定,本研究所要关注并要解决的是从法理学角度研究当前我国公立大学章程制定的“实然”与“应然”的两种状态。 本文第一章导论部分介绍了与大学章程制定相关的背景知识、文献研究等,第二章先是对公立大学的法律地位进行定位,从大学章程的法律性质、法律地位、法律效力、制定依据、制定主体、制定程序上进行法理的分析,第三章结合十所公立大学章程进行本体研究,分析目前我国公立大学章程的现状包括制定主体的不明确、制定程序的不规范、制定内容的不完善等问题,接着剖析现存问题的法理原因,包括公立大学法律地位的不确定、大学章程地位及效力的不明确、大学章程制定依据的不全面等原因;第四章针对问题结合法理学相关知识,借鉴国外先进大学的做法,从建立健全我国公立大学章程制定的法律体系,确立“公立大学章程制定促进法”,章程制定程序纳入立法程序中三个方面提出法制建议,以规范公立大学章程的制定,从而推进我国公立大学章程建设的科学性。
[Abstract]:The key to the reform of higher education lies in the establishment of a perfect modern university system, and one of the main links of the construction of the modern university system in China is the construction of the university charter. It is clear that the construction of the university charter has received enough attention. The key point of the constitution construction of university lies in the constitution making. What this study should pay attention to and solve is to study the two states of "actual" and "ought" of the constitution of public university in our country at present from the angle of jurisprudence. The first chapter introduces the background knowledge, literature research and so on related to the constitution of the university. The second chapter firstly defines the legal status of the public university, from the legal nature, the legal status, the legal effect of the university charter, and so on. The third chapter, combining with the constitution of ten public universities to carry on the ontology research, analyzes the current situation of the constitution of our country's public universities, including the uncertainty of the main body. Secondly, the author analyzes the legal reasons of the existing problems, including the uncertainty of the legal status of public universities, the unclear status and effectiveness of the university charter, and so on. The reasons such as the incomplete basis of the constitution of the university; The fourth chapter combines the relevant knowledge of jurisprudence and foreign advanced universities, from the establishment of a sound legal system of the constitution of public universities, the establishment of the "Public University articles of Association to promote Law". In order to standardize the constitution of public universities and promote the scientific nature of the constitution construction of public universities, the constitution making procedure is brought forward in three aspects of the legislative procedure in order to standardize the formulation of the constitution of public universities.


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