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发布时间:2019-01-15 22:47
【摘要】:摘要:大学生作为先进生产力的代表,作为社会主义事业的中流砥柱,如何提高他们的思想素养已成为高校学生工作者所而临的课题。红歌体现了一种积极进取、乐观向上的精神风貌,是社会主义先进文化的代表,高校学生工作者应该充分发挥红歌对大学生思想政治教育的价值,培养大学生的爱国主义情操,提高大学生的审美价值,升华大学生的精神,从而使他们树立自信心,增强民族自豪感,实现建设中国特色和谐社会的目的。 首先,论文对红歌与思想政治教育进行了概述。一是介绍了有关红歌的概念,对红歌进行界定,阐述了红歌的基本特点,分析了红歌的历史地位与作用。二是概述了马克思关于音乐教育和思想政治教育的基本思想。三是阐述了红歌与思想政治教育的关系,即红歌产生于思想政治教育,红歌是思想政治教育的重要载体。 其次,论文对红歌的思想政治教育功能做一个系统的分析和总结。主要阐述了红歌的激励功能、凝聚功能和娱乐功能。讲解了红歌在中国革命的发展中是如何发挥这些功能的。 再次,重点分析红歌在高校的思想政治教育作用,即帮助大学生了解中国革命的历史和精神,树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,培养艰苦奋斗的作风和爱国主义情感等。接下来,笔者对红歌在高校的功能发挥现状作一个调查分析,并提出在高校有效发挥其思政功能的实施途径。表1个,参考文献73篇。
[Abstract]:Abstract: as the representative of the advanced productive forces and the mainstay of the socialist cause, how to improve their ideological accomplishment has become the subject of the university student workers. The red song embodies a positive and optimistic spirit, and is the representative of the advanced socialist culture. The university student workers should give full play to the value of the red song to the ideological and political education of the college students, and cultivate the patriotism sentiment of the college students. The purpose of building a harmonious society with Chinese characteristics is to improve the aesthetic value of college students and sublimate the spirit of college students so that they can establish self-confidence, enhance national pride and realize the goal of building a harmonious society with Chinese characteristics. First of all, the paper summarizes the red song and ideological and political education. First, it introduces the concept of red song, defines the red song, expounds the basic characteristics of the red song, and analyzes the historical position and function of the red song. Second, it summarizes Marx's basic thoughts on music education and ideological and political education. The third is to expound the relationship between the red song and the ideological and political education, that is, the red song comes from the ideological and political education, and the red song is the important carrier of the ideological and political education. Secondly, the thesis makes a systematic analysis and summary of the ideological and political education function of Red Song. Mainly elaborated the red song stimulation function, the cohesion function and the entertainment function. Explained how the red song in the development of the Chinese revolution how to play these functions. Thirdly, it analyzes the role of red song in ideological and political education in colleges and universities, that is, to help college students understand the history and spirit of the Chinese revolution, to establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook, values, and to cultivate the style of hard work and patriotism. Then, the author makes an investigation and analysis on the function of red song in colleges and universities, and puts forward the implementation ways of giving full play to its ideological and political functions in colleges and universities. Table 1, 73 references.


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