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发布时间:2019-01-18 12:36
【摘要】:近些年来,我国普通高校毕业生规模持续大幅增长,大学生的就业压力也在不断增加。虽然有很多客观的因素造成了这种状况,但是大学生自身缺乏职业决策知识与能力也是一个重要原因。职业成熟度也在个体的职业发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文研究的主要目的是探究大学生的前瞻性应对方式对职业成熟度的影响关系,采用了定性与定量分析相结合以及实证调研的方法对这一课题进行研究。 首先,系统回顾了职业成熟度和前瞻性应对方式理论的产生和发展,在此基础上对国内外关于职业成熟度和前瞻性应对方式的研究进行了总结和归纳,,并对相关的理论做了概述和分析,指出了现有研究存在的不足,说明了本研究的创新性和必要性。 其次,对职业成熟度和前瞻性应对方式进行概念内涵的界定以及衡量方法的总结,为后文概念模型以及理论假设的提出奠定基础。 再次,通过文献整理和回顾,构建前瞻性应对方式影响职业成熟度的概念模型,提出本研究的理论假设。然后,对在校大学生进行抽样调查,对样本特征和分布情况进行分析,并利用统计分析软件SPSS18.0等对量表进行信度、效度检验。 最后,对提出的理论模型进行验证性分析,主要是对模型进行结构方程分析,运用AMOS软件,确定了前瞻性应对方式影响职业成熟度的因果关系。对本研究的概念模型和研究假设进行实证检验,并通过对结构方程模型结果的分析和总结,提出从大学生个人和高校两方面来提高前瞻性应对方式水平进而提高职业成熟度的对策建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the scale of college graduates in our country continues to increase significantly, and the employment pressure of college students is also increasing. Although there are many objective factors, but the lack of professional decision-making knowledge and ability is also an important reason. Career maturity also plays a more and more important role in the process of individual career development. The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the prospective coping style of college students and career maturity, and to study this subject by combining qualitative and quantitative analysis and empirical research. First of all, it systematically reviews the emergence and development of the theories of career maturity and forward-looking coping styles, and then summarizes and summarizes the research on career maturity and forward-looking coping styles at home and abroad. The related theories are summarized and analyzed, the shortcomings of the existing research are pointed out, and the innovation and necessity of this study are explained. Secondly, it defines the concept connotation of career maturity and forward-looking coping style and summarizes the measurement methods, which lays a foundation for the later conceptual models and theoretical assumptions. Thirdly, through literature review, the conceptual model of prospective coping style influencing career maturity is constructed, and the theoretical hypothesis of this study is put forward. Then, the sample survey was carried out on the college students, and the characteristics and distribution of the samples were analyzed, and the reliability and validity of the scale were tested by the statistical analysis software SPSS18.0 and so on. Finally, this paper makes a confirmatory analysis on the proposed theoretical model, mainly analyzes the structural equation of the model, and uses AMOS software to determine the causal relationship between the prospective coping style and the career maturity. The conceptual model and hypothesis of this study are tested empirically, and the results of structural equation model are analyzed and summarized. The countermeasures and suggestions to improve the level of forward-looking coping style and career maturity from the two aspects of college students and universities are put forward.


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