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发布时间:2019-01-20 08:30
【摘要】:需要,是一切生物得以生存和发展的基础;道德需要,则是影响人道德人格成长和发展的重要因素。所以一个人的不断完善不仅仅是对物质需要的追求,还在于个体道德需要的满足,这正为德育的变革指明了方向。当前我国高校德育主要还是应试的、灌输式的传统德育,传统的德育模式、德育内容、德育方法在一定程度是不能适应社会道德发展的要求,从而也难以通过高校德育来提高大学生的道德素质。笔者认为,,要想切实提高当前高校德育的效果和大学生的道德素质,必须在高校德育中注重对大学生道德需要的激发和满足,这也是德育以人为本的重要体现。 本文首先将概述大学生道德需要的相关理论,明确大学生道德的价值蕴涵;其次,从大学生个体和社会两个角度,揭示当前令人堪忧的道德需要现状;再次,分析造成如此道德需要现状的原因——高校德育所存在的问题,以及改善高校德育的出发点——激发大学生道德需要;最后,阐述激发大学生道德需要的策略,不断完善高校德育。
[Abstract]:The need is the basis for the survival and development of all living things, and the moral need is an important factor affecting the growth and development of human moral personality. Therefore, the continuous improvement of a person is not only the pursuit of material needs, but also the satisfaction of individual moral needs, which points out the direction for the reform of moral education. At present, moral education in colleges and universities in our country is mainly examination-oriented. The traditional moral education, the traditional mode of moral education, the content of moral education and the methods of moral education cannot meet the requirements of the development of social morality to a certain extent. Therefore, it is difficult to improve the moral quality of college students through moral education in colleges and universities. The author believes that in order to improve the effect of moral education and the moral quality of college students, we must pay attention to the stimulation and satisfaction of the moral needs of college students, which is also an important embodiment of moral education based on people. This paper first summarizes the relevant theories of the moral needs of college students, and clarifies the value implications of the moral needs of college students; secondly, from the individual and social perspectives of college students, it reveals the current worrying situation of moral needs. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the reasons for the present situation of moral needs in colleges and universities, the problems existing in moral education in colleges and universities, and the starting point of improving moral education in colleges and universities, which stimulates the moral needs of college students. Finally, this paper expounds the strategies to stimulate the moral needs of college students, and constantly improve the moral education in colleges and universities.


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