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发布时间:2019-01-20 13:27
【摘要】:90后大学生是在我国改革开放进一步深化、市场经济全面深入、信息社会深度渗透的大背景下成长起来的新一代,无论从思想还是心理都具有鲜明的时代特征。总体上看,,他们思想活跃、精神振奋、积极进取,易于接受新事物,但同时也表现出功利化倾向严重、抗挫折能力弱,烦恼和压力增加等不良状况,给高校思想道德建设工作带来了新的机遇和挑战。 本文以90后大学生为背景,对高校道德建设问题进行全面系统的研究。 首先,从90后大学生道德建设是社会道德建设的重要组成部分、是大学生素质完善的必然要求、是加强高校精神文明建设的重要内容三个方面论述了新时期加强90后大学生道德建设的重要性。 其次,从现阶段大学生道德信仰出现困惑和信仰多元化、道德滑坡、高校缺乏行之有效的道德机制三个方面系统归纳出当前90后大学生道德建设存在的问题。 再次,从个人、家庭、学校和社会四个方面详尽考察了90后大学生出现道德问题的原因。 最后,精心思考90后大学生道德建设的基本理念,结合当前十七届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》中提出的要建设社会主义文化强国这一思路,对加强90后大学生道德建设方面给出几点相关建议。
[Abstract]:The post-90s college students are a new generation growing up under the background of further deepening of reform and opening up market economy and deep penetration of information society. Both thoughts and psychology have distinct characteristics of the times. Generally speaking, they are active, energetic, enterprising and receptive to new things, but at the same time they also show bad conditions such as serious utilitarian tendency, weak ability to resist setbacks, increased worry and stress, etc. It brings new opportunities and challenges to the ideological and moral construction of colleges and universities. Based on the post-90s college students, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic study on the moral construction of colleges and universities. First of all, the moral construction of post-90s college students is an important part of social moral construction and an inevitable requirement for the improvement of college students' quality. This paper discusses the importance of strengthening the moral construction of post-90s college students in the new period. Secondly, from the three aspects of confusion and diversity of moral belief, moral decline and lack of effective moral mechanism in colleges and universities at present, the problems existing in the moral construction of post-90s college students are systematically summed up. Thirdly, the reasons for the moral problems of post-90s college students are investigated in detail from four aspects: individual, family, school and society. Finally, thinking carefully about the basic idea of moral construction of post-90s college students, In connection with the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on deepening the Cultural system Reform and promoting the Great Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture", adopted at the sixth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the idea of building a socialist cultural power is put forward. Some suggestions on strengthening the moral construction of post-1990 college students are given.


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