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发布时间:2019-02-13 20:16
【摘要】:在信息全球化与社会传媒化的今天,传媒已经浸润和渗透到社会的各个角落,其重要性也日益凸显。以校园报刊、校园广播、校园户外媒介、校园网、手机媒体等为代表的校园传媒作为大众传播媒介的重要组成部分,不仅是高校师生获取信息的重要渠道,更是高校开展思想政治教育的重要载体和重要阵地,在潜移默化中影响着高校思想政治教育的实施。校园传媒为高校思想政治教育带来了新的机遇,也带来了新的挑战。在新形势下,高校思想政治教育者不仅要充分利用好校园传媒带来的新机遇,更要积极采取措施解决校园传媒带来的新问题、新难题,以促进大学生的全面发展和高校思想政治教育工作的有效开展。 本文在现有理论的基础上,通过问卷调查掌握第一手资料,系统地分析了校园传媒对高校思想政治教育所产生的影响。前言部分主要阐述了本文的选题依据、研究意义,并简单阐述了当前学界的研究现状。 正文分为三部分: 第一部分:主要是校园传媒的概述。首先,阐述了学界对传媒、大众传媒的相关概念的界定,在此基础上提出校园传媒的定义;其次,,对校园传媒的类型进行了具体的分析,把校园传媒分为以校园报刊、校园广播、校园户外媒介为代表的传统媒体和以校园网和手机媒体为代表的新兴媒体,其中校园网包括校园新闻网、校园BBS、校园红色网站,手机媒体包括手机短信、飞信和手机报。再次,分析了校园传媒的独特性,如传播目标的明确性等。最后,阐述了校园传媒的功能,即信息传播、舆论引导、教育塑造以及文化娱乐。 第二部分:在现有理论和调查问卷的基础上,分析了当前校园传媒对高校思想政治教育所产生的影响及其原因分析。首先,通过调查,对大学生利用校园传媒的现状和高校校园媒体自身的发展现状进行了分析。其次,分析了校园传媒给高校思想政治教育带来的机遇,如开阔了思想政治教育者和大学生的视野,丰富了思想政治教育的方法和手段,充实了思想政治教育的内容等。再次,阐述了校园传媒给高校思想政治教育提出的新挑战和新难题,如动摇了思想政治教育者的权威地位,冲击了思想政治教育的内容,弱化了思想政治教育的评估与管理等。最后,针对校园传媒带给高校思想政治教育的消极影响,从高校管理部门、校园传媒自身、大学生以及媒体思想政治教育资源开发深度不够等角度进行原因分析。 第三部分:主要阐述了在校园传媒环境下,如何更好地发挥校园媒体的作用为高校思想政治教育服务。主要分为四个方面:针对校园媒体的特点,坚持思想政治教育的育人原则;与时俱进,提高高校思想政治教育者的整体素质;增强大学生的媒体素养教育;端正指导思想,完善校园媒体自身的运作模式。
[Abstract]:Today, with the globalization of information and social media, the media has infiltrated and penetrated into every corner of the society, and its importance has become increasingly prominent. Campus media, represented by campus newspapers, campus broadcasting, campus outdoor media, campus network, mobile media, etc., as an important part of mass media, is not only an important channel for college teachers and students to obtain information. It is also an important carrier and position for colleges and universities to carry out ideological and political education, which influences the implementation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Campus media brings new opportunities and challenges to ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Under the new situation, ideological and political educators in colleges and universities should not only make full use of the new opportunities brought by the campus media, but also take active measures to solve the new problems and problems brought about by the campus media. In order to promote the all-round development of college students and the effective development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. On the basis of existing theories, this paper systematically analyzes the influence of campus media on ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The preface mainly expounds the basis and significance of this paper, and briefly expounds the current research situation in academic circles. The text is divided into three parts: the first part: the main campus media overview. Firstly, the definition of the related concepts of media and mass media in academic circles is expounded, and the definition of campus media is put forward on this basis. Secondly, the paper analyzes the types of campus media, classifies campus media into traditional media represented by campus newspapers and periodicals, campus broadcasting, campus outdoor media and new media represented by campus network and mobile media. The campus network includes campus news network, campus BBS, campus red website, mobile media including SMS, Fetion and mobile newspaper. Thirdly, it analyzes the uniqueness of campus media, such as the clarity of communication target. Finally, the paper expounds the functions of campus media, that is, information dissemination, public opinion guidance, education shaping and cultural entertainment. The second part: on the basis of existing theories and questionnaires, this paper analyzes the influence of campus media on ideological and political education in colleges and universities and its causes. First of all, through the investigation, the paper analyzes the current situation of college students using campus media and the development of university campus media. Secondly, the paper analyzes the opportunities brought by campus media to ideological and political education in colleges and universities, such as broadening the horizons of ideological and political educators and college students, enriching the methods and means of ideological and political education, enriching the contents of ideological and political education, and so on. Thirdly, this paper expounds the new challenges and problems that the campus media has put forward to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, such as shaking the authoritative position of the ideological and political educators, impacting the contents of the ideological and political education, weakening the evaluation and management of the ideological and political education, and so on. Finally, in view of the negative influence of campus media on ideological and political education in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes the reasons from the perspective of university management department, campus media itself, college students and the lack of depth of exploitation of media ideological and political education resources. The third part mainly expounds how to better play the role of campus media for ideological and political education in colleges and universities under the environment of campus media. It is mainly divided into four aspects: according to the characteristics of campus media, adhere to the education principle of ideological and political education, keep pace with the times, improve the overall quality of ideological and political educators in colleges and universities, strengthen the media literacy education of college students; Correct guiding ideology and perfect the operation mode of campus media itself.


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