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发布时间:2019-02-14 09:13
【摘要】:当前,我国大学存在着潜在的绩效危机,教育投入与产出效率不高,教育质量下降,学术生产力和创新能力不足。大学制度的缺陷和失灵是我国大学面临的绩效危机的深层次原因,优化我国大学的治理路径是摆脱当前绩效危机的当务之急。 大学的本质功能、组织属性和大学组织所处的外部环境决定了大学组织的治理形态。经过近千年的发展,大学组织形成了既统一又复杂多样的组织功能和组织属性。新中国成立后,我国的社会环境发生了巨大的变化,大学的治理也随之进行了60多年的探索和改革,经历了高度统一的集权治理时期、盲目混乱的分权治理时期、多元利益共存的有限分权治理时期等不同的阶段。 我国大学的治理改革在取得巨大成绩的同时,在新的历史时期也存在亟待解决的重大问题。外部治理方面,政府对大学的管理存在着管理方式不当和过度干涉大学自我管理的现象;传统的产学研合作没有使大学与各外部主体形成紧密、长期和稳定的战略协同关系,协同效应没有得到有效的发挥。内部治理方面,现行的诞生于计划经济体制下的党委领导下校长负责的领导体制实质依然是行政集权化和封闭办学的治理模式。权力结构处于严重的失衡状态,政治权力和行政权力处于强势地位,学术权力和民主权力被弱化,学生权力处于缺失的状态,市场权力和社会权力则被阻隔在内部治理结构之外。在制度规范方面,大多数高校都没有依法制定大学章程,大学处于无章办学或有章不依的局面。 我国公立大学治理路径的优化是一项复杂的系统工程,既涉及到大学的外部治理和内部治理,又涉及到多元和冲突利益的协调与重组,同时改革还要符合中国特色的政治文化体制的要求和约束。本文认为,当前可以从以下几个方面来优化我国公立大学的治理路径:外部治理路径方面,通过实行教育代金券优化政府对教育资源的配置;通过协同创新构建大学与产学研合作组织的战略协同关系。内部治理路径方面,通过改革大学董事会构建多主体共治的治理模式;通过制定和完善大学章程健全依法治校的制度保障。
[Abstract]:At present, there is a potential performance crisis in Chinese universities. The efficiency of educational input and output is not high, the quality of education is declining, and the academic productivity and innovation ability are insufficient. The defects and failures of the university system are the deep-seated causes of the performance crisis faced by the universities in our country. Optimizing the governance path of the universities in our country is the urgent task to get rid of the current performance crisis. The essential function, organizational attributes and the external environment of the university determine the governance form of the university. After nearly a thousand years of development, university organizations have formed a unified and complex organizational functions and organizational attributes. After the founding of New China, great changes have taken place in the social environment of our country, and the governance of universities has been explored and reformed for more than 60 years, and has gone through a period of highly unified centralized governance, a period of blind and chaotic decentralization. The coexistence of multiple interests and limited decentralization of governance period and other different stages. Great achievements have been made in the reform of university governance in our country, but at the same time, there are also important problems to be solved in the new historical period. On the aspect of external governance, the government has improper management mode and excessive interference in university self-management. The traditional industry-university-research cooperation has not made the university and each external subject form close, long-term and stable strategic synergistic relationship, and the synergy effect has not been effectively brought into play. In terms of internal governance, the essence of the current leadership system under the leadership of the party committee under the leadership of the planned economic system is still the governance mode of administrative centralization and closed running of schools. Power structure is in a serious imbalance, political power and administrative power are in a strong position, academic power and democratic power are weakened, and students' power is in a state of absence. Market power and social power are blocked in the internal governance structure. In the aspect of system standard, most colleges and universities do not make the university charter according to law, and the university is in the situation of running a school without rules or regulations. The optimization of the governance path of public universities in China is a complex system engineering, which involves not only the external and internal governance of universities, but also the coordination and reorganization of pluralistic and conflicting interests. At the same time, the reform also conforms to the requirements and constraints of the political and cultural system with Chinese characteristics. In this paper, we can optimize the governance path of our public universities from the following aspects: external governance path, through the implementation of education vouchers to optimize the allocation of educational resources; Through collaborative innovation to construct the strategic synergy between universities and industry-university-research cooperative organizations. In terms of internal governance path, we should reform the university board of directors to build a multi-subject co-governing governance model, and improve the institutional guarantee of governing the university according to law by formulating and perfecting the university charter.


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