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发布时间:2019-02-21 13:39
[Abstract]:Bei Dunrong, Director of the Research Center for higher Education Development, Xiamen University, National key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Education and Research, Xiamen University, and Ph. D. supervisor; He also holds the post of Vice Chairman of the Academy Research Association of the Chinese higher Education Association, the executive director of the higher Education Evaluation and Research Society of the Chinese higher Education Association, and the executive director of the Professional Committee of higher Education of the Chinese Association of higher Education, Deputy Secretary-General of the higher Education Management Research Association of the Chinese higher Education Association, member of the academic Committee of the Chinese Association of degree and Graduate Education; He has served as expert group leader in the development strategic planning of more than 30 universities and colleges. In order to explore the future development trend of the strategic planning of Chinese universities, the journal conducted an exclusive interview with Professor Bei. In the interview, Professor Bei pointed out that there are three stages in the life cycle of a university, namely, the start-up period, the ZTE stage and the mature stage. In different periods, the universities have different development tasks. The strategic planning should focus on the research and design of the strategic problems in the development of colleges and universities in a certain period in order to seek the substantial progress of the development of colleges and universities, and foreign colleges and universities should start early in the formulation and implementation of strategic planning, and experience should be used for reference. Strategic planning is a unique feature of modern universities, which is not only a new type of management thinking, but also a unique management practice. Therefore, it is of great significance for Chinese universities to formulate strategic planning scientifically and rationally. Strategic planning and articles of association construction have some mutual promotion point, which is of special practical significance to the development of colleges and universities in our country at the present stage.
【作者单位】: 教育部教育管理信息中心;教育部教育管理信息中心世界教育信息杂志编辑部;


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