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发布时间:2019-02-25 11:52
【摘要】:高校二级学院绩效评估是高校提高内部资源配置效率的基础,也是高校内部管理改革的基础和重要组成部分。围绕内涵发展要求开展高校二级学院绩效评估是大势所趋,是学校管理的重要环节。根据绩效评估理论指导二级学院的内涵发展,可以使学院实现科学、健康、快速发展。 绩效评估理论在高校二级学院绩效评估中具有运用的适切性和实践价值。基于内涵发展的高校二级学院绩效评估研究,从学校层面讲,可以使高校对各二级学院的运行和绩效有更清晰的了解和把握,做到更加科学地决策和管理,提高高校的综合绩效和核心竞争力;从学院层面讲,可以使二级学院更直观、更全面地认识面临的机会和危机,明晰自身的优势和劣势,有助于二级学院在竞争环境中准确定位,科学合理地规划学院的事业发展和内涵建设,并力求人尽其才、物尽其用,提高教育质量和办学效益,增强学院的综合实力。 本文通过文献检索法,对以往学者的研究成果进行了梳理,同时也运用问卷和访谈的方法进行了实际调研。对Y大学二级学院绩效评估进行了系统研究。通过对Y大学二级学院相关领导人的问卷发放和访谈,进行个案研究,并运用绩效评估的相关理论分析了高校二级学院绩效评估中存在的问题,对问题存在的原因进行了剖析。最后结合我国高等教育内涵发展的目标,提出了与内涵发展目标相适应的高校二级学院绩效评估的策略和建议。 本文主要创新之处在于:基于内涵发展的视角,将绩效评估理论引入高校二级学院内涵发展和内部管理之中。我国在高校绩效评估研究方面,对于二级学院绩效评估的研究还很少,而基于内涵发展的高校二级学院绩效评估的研究则更少。本研究从内涵发展的视角来研究二级学院的绩效评估问题,以期为高校的内涵发展提供新思路,论文中提出了一些较为新颖的观点,特别是关于改进和优化绩效评估的策略和建议,力求贴近高校二级学院内涵发展实际。
[Abstract]:The performance evaluation of secondary colleges is the basis of improving the efficiency of internal resource allocation, and is also the basis and important part of the reform of internal management in colleges and universities. It is the trend of the times and the important link of school management to carry out the performance evaluation of the secondary colleges around the development of connotation. According to the theory of performance evaluation to guide the connotation development of the secondary college, the college can achieve scientific, healthy and rapid development. The theory of performance evaluation has the relevance and practical value in the performance evaluation of colleges and universities. The research on the performance evaluation of the secondary colleges based on the connotation development, from the school level, can make the universities have a clearer understanding and grasp of the operation and performance of the secondary colleges, and achieve more scientific decision-making and management. To improve the comprehensive performance and core competence of colleges and universities; From the college level, it can make the secondary college more intuitive, more comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and crises faced, clear of its own strengths and weaknesses, and help the secondary college to accurately position itself in the competitive environment. Scientific and reasonable planning of the college's career development and connotation construction, and strive to make the best use of people, improve the quality of education and school efficiency, enhance the comprehensive strength of the college. In this paper, the literature retrieval method is used to sort out the previous research results, and the method of questionnaire and interview is also used to carry out the actual investigation. This paper makes a systematic study on the performance evaluation of the secondary college of Y University. Based on the questionnaire and interview of the leaders of the secondary college of Y University, this paper makes a case study, and analyzes the problems existing in the performance evaluation of the secondary college by using the relevant theory of performance evaluation, and analyzes the causes of the problems. Finally, combined with the target of the connotation development of higher education in our country, this paper puts forward the strategies and suggestions of the performance evaluation of the secondary colleges in colleges and universities that are suitable for the development objectives of the connotation. The main innovation of this paper is: based on the perspective of connotation development, the performance evaluation theory is introduced into the connotation development and internal management of secondary colleges. In our country, there are few researches on the performance evaluation of the secondary colleges in our country, and the research on the performance evaluation of the secondary colleges based on the connotation development is even less. This study studies the performance evaluation of secondary colleges from the perspective of connotation development in order to provide a new way of thinking for the connotation development of colleges and universities. In particular, the strategies and suggestions for improving and optimizing the performance evaluation should be in close touch with the practice of the connotation and development of the secondary colleges in colleges and universities.


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