[Abstract]:The issue of national security is the fundamental guarantee of national development. As builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics, college students are concerned about the issue of national security and whether they can actively fulfill their obligations to safeguard national security interests when their national security interests are infringed. It has an important influence on the construction of socialist road with Chinese characteristics. To carry out the research on the cultivation of college students' national security consciousness, to solve the problems existing in some college students' national security consciousness, such as the weak consciousness of national security and the weak consciousness of secrecy, and to improve the level of national security consciousness of college students. It is the need to meet the challenge of international and domestic security, and to strengthen the understanding of national security knowledge of college students, to guide college students to constantly strengthen the understanding of national security knowledge, and to construct the teaching system of national security education in colleges and universities, which is the need to meet the challenges of international and domestic security. At the same time, it is also the need to perfect the national security education and ideological and political education. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part focuses on the analysis of the purpose and significance of the national security awareness training research. This chapter explores the research status at home and abroad, explains the research ideas, research methods and innovations. The second part summarizes the related theories of national security consciousness. This paper defines the related concepts of national security, generalizes the basic contents and main theoretical basis of the cultivation of national security consciousness, and lays a theoretical foundation for the next step of the research. The third part is to investigate and analyze the cultivation of college students' national security consciousness. At the same time, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the cultivation of college students' national security consciousness, and analyzes the reasons for the problems existing in the cultivation of college students' national security consciousness. The fourth part puts forward the countermeasures of cultivating college students' national security consciousness. This paper analyzes on the basic principles that should be grasped in the cultivation of college students' national security consciousness, and educates them to fulfill their obligations to maintain national security from three aspects: raising their awareness of national security, stimulating their patriotic feelings and clarifying their sense of responsibility; To construct the teaching system of national security education in colleges and universities actively from five aspects: clear training objective, enrich the training content, perfect the curriculum design, create the characteristic mode, and create the training environment. From the two angles of perfecting the legal system of national security and popularizing the relevant laws of national security, we should properly guide college students to strengthen the legal consciousness of national security, so as to solve the main problems existing in the cultivation of national security consciousness of college students. Improve the overall level of national security awareness of college students, strengthen the effectiveness of the cultivation of national security awareness of college students.
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