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发布时间:2019-02-26 09:09
【摘要】:同世界上的许多国家相比,马来西亚高等教育的历史短暂,起步比较晚,但是发展非常快。自独立以来,马来西亚为适应社会发展和经济建设的需要,,对高等教育进行了全面深入的改革,经过短短几十年的发展,马来西亚高等教育取得了巨大的成就。20世纪90年代是马来西亚高等教育重组的年代,也是马来西亚高等教育规模扩大,管理体制大改革的重要阶段。而高等教育政策是马来西亚整个国家高等教育发展中最重要、最宝贵的资源。1996年至1997年,马来西亚议会提交并通过了标志高等教育改革分水岭的五部政策,这五部政策对马来西亚高等教育的发展具有里程碑的意义。 本文的第一部分主要介绍了本研究选题的背景和意义,总结国内外对马来西亚高等教育研究的现状,以及对研究概念和研究阶段的界定。 第二部分通过对整个马来西亚国家不同时期高等教育政策发展的历程进行梳理分析,发现马来西亚高等教育从殖民统治到独立自主,经过了萌芽、成长到逐步完善和大发展阶段。 第三部分重点对20世纪90年代以来马来西亚议会所颁布的具有革命性意义的五部政策进行详细解析,运用政策文本分析和个案研究等科学研究方法分析其出台背景、主要内容、实施效果以及特征。 第四部分概括马来西亚高等教育政策的四个总体显著特征,凸显其独具本国特色的高等教育体系。 第五部分得出结论:高等教育政策在马来西亚高等教育发展过程发挥着举足轻重的作用,是马来西亚高等教育改革和发展的重要保障。因此,提炼出马来西亚高等教育政策在颁布实施过程中的成功经验,学习和借鉴马来西亚高等教育政策的精华之处,提出我国在改革高等教育的道路上要优化政府与学校的关系、加快民办高等教育政策法规建立健全的进程、健全高等教育质量保障体系、完善国家助学贷款体系以及加强中外高校合作办学等举措,以此推动和完善我国高等教育政策法规体系的建立健全,以助我国高等教育体系的改进与完善。 本研究主要的学术贡献在于,全面的梳理和分析马来西亚高等教育政策的发展历程,并详细解析其中五部主要的政策,提炼其精华对我国高等教育发展的重要启示,为今后学术界对马来西亚高等教育的研究奠定基础和提供参考价值。
[Abstract]:Compared with many countries in the world, Malaysia's higher education has a short history and a relatively late start, but the development is very fast. Since independence, Malaysia has carried out a comprehensive and in-depth reform of higher education in order to meet the needs of social development and economic construction. After a short period of decades of development, Malaysia's higher education has made great achievements. The 1990s is the era of the reorganization of Malaysia's higher education, and it is also an important stage of the expansion of the scale of Malaysia's higher education and the great reform of the management system. The higher education policy is the most important and precious resource in the development of higher education in Malaysia as a whole. From 1996 to 1997, the Malaysian Parliament submitted and adopted five policies marking the watershed of higher education reform. These five policies have a milestone significance for the development of higher education in Malaysia. The first part of this paper mainly introduces the background and significance of this research topic, summarizes the domestic and foreign research status of higher education in Malaysia, as well as the definition of the research concept and research stage. The second part analyzes the course of the development of higher education policy in Malaysia in different periods, and finds that Malaysia's higher education has gone through the bud from colonial rule to independence. Growing to the stage of gradual improvement and great development. The third part focuses on a detailed analysis of the five revolutionary policies issued by the Malaysian Parliament since the 1990s, and analyzes its background and main contents by using scientific research methods such as policy text analysis and case study. Implementation effect and characteristics. The fourth part summarizes the four main characteristics of Malaysia's higher education policy, and highlights its unique higher education system. The fifth part draws the conclusion that the higher education policy plays an important role in the development of Malaysia's higher education and is an important guarantee for the reform and development of Malaysia's higher education. Therefore, the successful experience in the promulgation and implementation of Malaysia's higher education policy has been refined, and the essence of Malaysia's higher education policy has been learned and used for reference. It is pointed out that our country should optimize the relationship between the government and the school on the road of reforming higher education, speed up the process of establishing and perfecting the policies and regulations of the private higher education, and perfect the quality guarantee system of higher education. In order to promote and perfect the establishment and perfection of our country's higher education policy and regulation system, we can improve our country's higher education system by perfecting the national student loan system and strengthening the cooperation between Chinese and foreign colleges and universities in order to improve and perfect the higher education system in our country. The main academic contribution of this study lies in a comprehensive analysis of the development of Malaysia's higher education policy, and a detailed analysis of the five major policies, refining its essence for the development of higher education in China's important inspiration. To lay a foundation and provide reference value for academic research on higher education in Malaysia in the future.


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