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发布时间:2019-02-27 20:43
【摘要】:认识研究高校校园文化,促进高校文化发展建设,正是当前教育研究的热点,而如何选择科学的研究方法,怎样通过得到的研究成果服务于高校校园文化建设,这既是一个重要的理论问题,又是一个重要的实践问题。 本文以马克思主义文化观和中国特色的社会主义理论文化观为指导,针对福建省属重点高校校园文化建设情况,对福州大学、福建医科大学、福建农林大学等高校学生进行了实地调研,集合了大量的文献资料和问卷调查数据,采用规范研究与实证研究,定性与定量分析相结合的方法,阐述了福建省属重点高校校园文化建设的情况,包括特点及问题,通过比较研究总结出主要差异及其内在原因。继而提出了符合福建省高校特征的校园文化建设强化的对策与建议,对福建省高校校园文化建设具有理论和现实参考意义。 本文第一章探讨了研究背景、意义,对高校校园文化建设理论研究进行了综合梳理,确立了研究内容与方法。明确了本文的相关概念与理论基础,包括高校校园文化的界定、基本功能等。第二部分选择从文献和实地调研两种渠道获取资料,重点阐述了福建省属重点高校校园文化建设现状。一方面,分析了福建省属重点高校校园文化建设的基本情况,包括取得的成效与存在的问题。另一方面,体现了福建省属重点高校校园文化建设的特征。第三部分着重比较分析福建省属重点高校校园文化建设的差异,找到差异存在的原因。第四部分,综合以上分析提出加强福建省高校校园文化建设的若干思路。包括:福建省高校校园文化建设的总体要求及基本原则;具体做法:做好校园建筑规划设计,完善文化设施,搞好校园美好自然环境;强化校园文化观念,弘扬主流文化,尤其是保障网络文化不被低俗恶俗等冲击;突出校园文化精神内涵,打造高校特色校园文化,增强校园文化名牌意识;健全高校管理机制,,重视校园文化阵地的建设,强化文化服务的推广;通过闽台高校交流平台,开展多彩的文化实践,加强校园文化活动创新。最后,对福建省属重点高校校园文化建设情况进行总结并展开展望。
[Abstract]:Understanding the campus culture of colleges and universities and promoting the development and construction of university culture is the hot spot of current educational research, and how to choose scientific research methods and how to serve the construction of campus culture of colleges and universities through the obtained research results, This is not only an important theoretical issue, but also an important practical issue. Under the guidance of Marxist cultural view and socialist theoretical cultural view with Chinese characteristics, this paper aims at the construction of campus culture in key colleges and universities in Fujian Province, to Fuzhou University, Fujian Medical University, Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University and other colleges and universities students conducted on-the-spot research, collected a large number of literature and questionnaire data, using normative research and empirical research, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the combination of methods, This paper expounds the construction of campus culture in key colleges and universities in Fujian province, including its characteristics and problems, and summarizes the main differences and its internal reasons through comparative research. Then it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the construction of campus culture in accordance with the characteristics of colleges and universities in Fujian Province, which is of theoretical and practical reference significance to the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities in Fujian Province. In the first chapter of this paper, the background and significance of the research are discussed, and the theoretical research on campus culture construction in colleges and universities is comprehensively combed, and the research contents and methods are established. Clear the related concepts and theoretical basis of this paper, including the definition of campus culture, basic functions and so on. In the second part, the author chooses to obtain the data from literature and field investigation, and expounds the current situation of campus culture construction in Fujian province, which belongs to the key colleges and universities. On the one hand, this paper analyzes the basic situation of campus culture construction in key colleges and universities in Fujian province, including the achievements and existing problems. On the other hand, it reflects the characteristics of campus culture construction in Fujian province. The third part compares and analyzes the differences of campus culture construction in key colleges and universities in Fujian Province, and finds out the reasons for the differences. In the fourth part, the author puts forward some ideas on how to strengthen the campus culture construction in Fujian Province. Including: the general requirements and basic principles of campus culture construction in Fujian Province, concrete measures: to do a good job in campus building planning and design, to improve cultural facilities, to do a good job in the beautiful natural environment of the campus; Strengthen the concept of campus culture, carry forward the mainstream culture, especially to ensure that network culture is not impacted by vulgarity and vulgarity, highlight the spiritual connotation of campus culture, create the campus culture with characteristics, and enhance the awareness of famous brand of campus culture. Improve the management mechanism of colleges and universities, attach importance to the construction of campus cultural positions, strengthen the promotion of cultural services, carry out colorful cultural practices through the communication platform between Fujian and Taiwan colleges and universities, and strengthen the innovation of campus cultural activities. Finally, the construction of campus culture in key colleges and universities in Fujian Province is summarized and prospected.


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