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发布时间:2019-03-01 10:32
【摘要】:高等教育的任务是培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才,发展科学技术文化,促进社会主义现代化建设。高等学校作为高等教育的重要组成,其以培养人才为中心,开展教学、科学研究和社会服务,保证教育教学质量达到国家规定的标准。随着社会、经济的发展,建立中国特色的现代大学制度是摆在政府、学者和高等学校管理者面前的难题。其中,高校行政管理工作是社会关注的热点。在我国教育中长期规划中着重强调了在高校全面实行聘任制度和岗位管理制度,确立科学的考核评价和激励机制。这给高等学校的行政管理工作指明方向,即将人力资源管理的理论和实践引入到高校行政管理工作,对绩效管理的推进可强化高校行政管理的执行和效率并提高个人和部门的绩效。 高校行政管理绩效评估与企业绩效评估有所差异,学校作为公益性质的具有社会服务功能的教育机构,其目标是培养符合国家、社会、人民需要的人才。高校行政管理部门是为学校师生服务的部门,其绩效应注重贡献、满意度和效率,在行政机构低效、人员臃肿等弊病下,如何降低高校的行政成本、提高效益也是高校行政人员绩效评估工作需要考虑的方面。 本研究针对高校行政管理特点的分析,采用绩效评估理论对高等学校行政职员的绩效进行分析,探寻适合高校行政职员绩效评估的指标,制定高校行政管理职员绩效表格,并对高校行政职员绩效评估工作提出建议。
[Abstract]:The task of higher education is to develop advanced specialized talents with innovative spirit and practical ability, develop the culture of science and technology and promote the construction of socialist modernization. As an important component of higher education, colleges and universities carry out teaching, scientific research and social services, and ensure that the teaching quality of education meets the standards prescribed by the state. With the development of the society and economy, the establishment of the modern university system with Chinese characteristics is a difficult problem before the government, the scholar and the university administrators. Among them, the administration of university is a hot spot of social concern. In the medium and long-term planning of our country's education, it is emphasized that the employment system and the post management system are fully implemented in the university, and the scientific assessment and incentive mechanism is established. This leads to the introduction of the theory and practice of human resource management into the administration of the university, and the promotion of performance management can strengthen the implementation and efficiency of the administration and improve the performance of the individual and the department. The evaluation of the performance of the university administration is different from the evaluation of the performance of the enterprise. The school is the educational institution with the function of social service as a public good. The goal is to train the people who are in the state, the society and the people The administrative department of the university is the department to serve the teachers and students of the school. The performance should pay attention to the contribution, the satisfaction and the efficiency, and how to reduce the administration of the university under the disadvantage of the inefficiency of the administration and the bloated of the personnel and so on. The efficiency is also the party that needs to be taken into account in the performance evaluation of the university's administrative staff On the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the administrative management of the university, the performance evaluation theory is adopted to analyze the performance of the administrative staff of the university, and the index of the performance evaluation of the administrative staff of the university is explored, and the performance of the administrative staff of the university is established. effect table, and put forward the evaluation of the performance of the university's administrative staff


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4 赵军;高校院系办公室管理职能研究[D];东北师范大学;2007年




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