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发布时间:2019-03-01 16:53
【摘要】:择业观是职业价值观的重要组成部分,影响着大学生的择业行为。自从1985年中央颁布了《关于教育体制改革的决定》之后,我国大学生就业制度由统包分配的刚性就业政策开始向市场经济的自主择业、双向选择的就业机制的转变。可见,大学生的择业观对其本人就业乃至社会发展都有着重要的影响。而与当前大学生择业观相适应的择业教育也必然会随着择业问题的出现而产生发展。本文运用了文献综述法与历史分析法,研究了当前大学生择业观问题和相应的择业教育,,试图从教育入手,为大学生顺利择业提供帮助。 本文首先分析了当代大学生择业观教育的内涵及价值;其次进一步分析当代大学生择业观教育的必然性;其次对大学生择业观教育的历史发展与现状分析进行深入剖析;最后针对大学生择业教育存在的问题提出相应的解决对策,这些对大学生择业观起着不可小觑的作用。
[Abstract]:The choice of business view is an important part of the professional value, which influences the college students' career choice behavior. Since the central government promulgated the Decision on the Reform of the Educational System in 1985, the employment system of the college students of our country is from the rigid employment policy of the distribution of the whole package to the self-employment of the market economy and the transformation of the two-way choice of the employment mechanism. It can be seen that the choice of the college students has an important influence on the employment and the social development of the college students. The choice of job-based education, which is adapted to the current college students' choice of job, will also develop with the emergence of the problem of career choice. This paper uses the literature review method and the history analysis method to study the current college students' choice of job and the corresponding job-choosing education, and tries to start with the education and help the college students to choose their career. This paper first analyzes the connotation and value of the contemporary college students' choice of job-based education, and then further analyzes the necessity of the contemporary college students' choice-of-job outlook education. In the end, the author puts forward corresponding solutions to the problems of college students' job selection education, which play an important role in the selection of college students.


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