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发布时间:2019-03-05 20:41
【摘要】:诚实守信是社会主义和谐社会的重要内容。构建大学生诚信对推动社会主义和谐社会的建立具有重要意义。 文章共分引言和正文五个部分。 引言主要介绍了选题意义、国内外的研究状况、研究方法与思路、诚信及大学生诚信等相关概念。 第一部分分析了大学生诚信建设对构建社会主义和谐社会的必要性。大学生诚信建设是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务,对构建社会主义和谐社会具有推动作用。 第二部分通过调查问卷分析了大学生诚信的现状。总体看,,大学生是讲诚信的群体,但也存在失信现象,学习中的考试作弊、论文及作业抄袭等;经济中的拖欠学费,用欺骗等方式获取助学金及贷款,信用卡、手机卡透支欠费等;求职就业中的虚假简历、违约毁约等;人际交往中的不真实、言行不一,编造网络虚假信息等。 第三部分探讨了大学生诚信缺失的原因。从大学生自身看,主要是诚信意识淡薄、缺乏社会责任感和心理不成熟;从家庭方面看主要是家长对诚信教育不够重视和对孩子的过分溺爱;从学校看主要是对诚信教育的轻视、诚信教育方式落后和评价机制的不完善;从社会方面看,主要是市场经济的负面影响、现代信息技术发展的冲击、社会上一些不讲诚信现象的严重影响和监督管理制度不健全等。 第四部分,探讨了和谐社会视阈下构建大学生诚信体系的途径。大学生诚信教育应需要丰富大学生诚信教育内容、改革教育方式、充分发挥家庭、学校和社会的作用、合理借鉴国外的先进经验;建立科学的大学生诚信教育机制、诚信管理机制、诚信评价机制、诚信奖惩机制和诚信监督机制;加强大学生诚信环境建设,形成良好的校风学风、社会诚信环境和正确的舆论。
[Abstract]:Honesty and trustworthiness is an important content of socialist harmonious society. The construction of college students' honesty is of great significance in promoting the establishment of a harmonious socialist society. The article is divided into five parts: introduction and text. The introduction mainly introduces the significance of the topic, the research status at home and abroad, research methods and ideas, honesty and honesty of college students and other related concepts. The first part analyzes the necessity of the construction of college students' honesty and credit to build a harmonious socialist society. The construction of college students' honesty and credit is an important task of building a harmonious socialist society, and it can promote the construction of a harmonious socialist society. The second part analyzes the status quo of college students' honesty and credit by questionnaire. Generally speaking, college students are good faith groups, but there are also some phenomena, such as cheating in examinations, plagiarism in papers and homework, etc. Defaulting on tuition fees in the economy, obtaining grants and loans by deception, credit cards, cell phone cards, overdrawing and arrears, etc.; false resumes in job search and employment, breach of contract, etc.; Interpersonal communication is not true, words and deeds do not match, fabricate network false information and so on. The third part discusses the reasons for the lack of integrity of college students. From the perspective of college students themselves, they are mainly lack of sense of honesty, lack of social responsibility and psychological immaturity, from the family point of view, parents do not pay enough attention to honesty and credit education and overindulge their children; From the school point of view, it is mainly the contempt of honesty education, the backwardness of honesty education mode and the imperfection of evaluation mechanism. From the social point of view, it is mainly the negative impact of market economy, the impact of the development of modern information technology, the serious impact of some social phenomena of non-honesty and the imperfect supervision and management system, etc. In the fourth part, the author discusses the ways to construct the credit system of college students from the perspective of harmonious society. College students' honesty education should enrich the content of college students' honesty education, reform the way of education, give full play to the function of family, school and society, and use the advanced experience of foreign countries for reference reasonably. To establish scientific education mechanism, management mechanism, evaluation mechanism, reward and punishment mechanism and supervision mechanism for college students; Strengthen the construction of college students' honesty environment, form a good school spirit, social integrity environment and correct public opinion.


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