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发布时间:2019-03-06 10:56
【摘要】:在当今信息时代和社会主义市场经济的宏观背景下,当代大学生的自我意识在不断增强,自我教育在高校德育中的作用日益显现。由于大学生道德人格的矛盾性、自主性和发展性相互交织,因此,积极引导大学生进行自我教育,培养其自我教育能力,树立自我教育意识变得尤为重要。中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深,儒家文化作为中国传统文化的代表,内容丰富,底蕴深厚,形成了比较完备的方法理论体系,其中有关修身的思想更是体现了中国古代道德教育的方法和特色,与现代大学生自我教育的内容十分契合。儒家修身思想从内容和方法上对提高个人思想道德修养做出了详细阐述,它始终把道德教育放在首位,认为“修身”就是通过完善自身的道德修养,提高个人的道德水平,促进国家和社会的发展,它强调学思并重的教育内容及慎独自律的教育方法,对当代大学生的自我教育具有重要的借鉴和启示作用。 本文首先从当今大学生自我教育的现状分析入手,指出大学生在自我教育中存在的问题及其原因,探究大学生自我教育的现实意义,并通过介绍儒家修身思想的主要内容和修身方法,分析儒家修身思想的现代价值。进一步将其与大学生自我教育联系起来,说明两者的存在契合之处,从而汲取儒家修身思想中的合理成分,从目标、内容和方法三方面进行借鉴学习。针对大学生自我教育开展提出了具体的可行性方法构建,在现代高校思想政治教育中找寻新出路,为教育者引领大学生开展自我教育提供有效的方法指导,促进大学生自我发展。
[Abstract]:Under the macro background of information age and socialist market economy, the self-consciousness of contemporary college students is constantly strengthening, and the role of self-education in moral education in colleges and universities is becoming more and more obvious. Because of the contradiction, autonomy and development of college students' moral personality, it is very important to actively guide college students to carry out self-education, to cultivate their ability of self-education, and to set up self-education consciousness. As the representative of Chinese traditional culture, Confucian culture is rich in content and profound in content, and has formed a relatively complete theoretical system of methods. The thought of self-cultivation embodies the methods and characteristics of moral education in ancient China, which is in good agreement with the content of self-education of modern college students. Confucian thought of self-cultivation has made a detailed exposition on the improvement of personal ideological and moral accomplishment in terms of contents and methods. It has always put moral education in the first place, holding that "self-cultivation" is to improve one's moral level by perfecting one's own moral accomplishment. In order to promote the development of the country and society, it emphasizes the educational content and the self-discipline education method, which can be used for reference and enlightenments to the self-education of contemporary college students. This article begins with the analysis of the present situation of college students' self-education, points out the problems existing in the self-education of college students and their reasons, and probes into the practical significance of the self-education of college students. By introducing the main contents and methods of Confucian self-cultivation, this paper analyzes the modern value of Confucian self-cultivation. Furthermore, it is connected with the self-education of college students to illustrate the coincidence of their existence, so as to draw on the rational elements of Confucian thought of self-cultivation, and learn from three aspects: objective, content and method. Aiming at the development of college students' self-education, this paper puts forward a concrete feasible method construction, finds a new way out in the ideological and political education of modern colleges and universities, and provides effective method guidance for educators to lead college students to carry out self-education. To promote the self-development of college students.


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