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发布时间:2019-03-11 15:16
[Abstract]:Student loan is a product of the combination of modern thought and practice of modern social democracy, equity, cost sharing and human capital. It is also an important imagination in the development of international higher education. In that condition of the socialist market economy, the state-student loan policy of our country is to perfect the system of university-funded policy in the state by means of financial means, and to increase the major measure taken to support the financial difficulties of the students in general colleges and universities. It also actively promotes the construction of the equity of higher education and the construction of the socialist harmonious society, while ensuring the equal right of the educated individual to the right to education. By using the methods of literature, text analysis and comparative law, this paper defines the basic concepts of such topics as the student loan, the national student loan policy and the interest analysis, and expounds the theoretical foundation _ stakeholder theory of the research on the topic. This paper reviews the historical evolution of the national student loan policy in our country and generalizes it as the preparation stage, the pilot phase and the perfect stage, on the basis of which, the scope of the interest analysis of the national student loan policy is drawn up (mainly in the second chapter), and then, from the government and the university, in that view of the four relevant stakeholders of the bank and the loan student, the state of interest of the national student loan policy preparation stage, the pilot stage and the improvement stage is examined in detail; meanwhile, the preparation stage, the pilot phase and the perfect phase government of the national student loan policy are disclosed, The interests of the university, the handling bank and the loan student are consistent, the interest difference and the benefit characteristic are analyzed, and the attribution analysis is made from the aspects such as the government's financial ability, the reform of the higher education system and the improvement of the policy-related mechanism; and finally, The ultimate goal of the national student loan policy is determined to share the public interest of the content with the equal right to education. The four aspects of the information communication mechanism and the policy detection mechanism point out the specific path to the realization of the public interest target of the national student loan policy.


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