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发布时间:2019-03-12 15:33
【摘要】:大学生的道德状况一直以来是全社会高度关注的焦点之一。大学生群体属于社会学历层次较高,整体素质较好的群体,能够为全社会提供榜样作用,引领整个社会的进步和发展;并且大学生是青年中的先进代表,代表着祖国的未来和民族的希望,因此这一群体的道德水平如何,直接关系到国家的道德建构好坏。过去,大学生常被称作是“象牙塔里的天之骄子”,大学校园也被认为是社会上的最后一方净土,而如今社会转型的发展带来的负面影响也毫不例外地殃及到大学校园和大学生群体,社会道德缺失和偏失的种种表现在大学校园里随处可见。校园公德教育的缺失、优秀传统道德教育的忽视是导致这一问题产生的重要原因,因此借鉴我国优秀传统道德教育资源对大学生进行校园公德的培养势在必行。 1998年教育部制定的《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》中就提高整个社会的国民素质问题提供了战略性的目标指导,大学生群体属于整个社会中的精英群体,更应该发挥先锋模范作用。相比之下,当代大学生的道德素质高于同期社会人的道德素质,但与过去高标准的大学生道德素质相差甚远。按照发展的观点来看,经济基础与上层建筑是相互促进、相互协调而共同发展的,但现实是经济在高速发展的同时整个社会道德水平却在论丧,进而影响到大学校园公德水平的下降,大学生文明素质低下,校园内出现种种不文明不道德的现象,这种不协调发展应该引起全社会的高度重视。致力于校园公德的培养,加强优秀传统道德教育,不仅是学校、家庭的责任,史是全社会的责任,是每一个社会人应当承担的责任。正是基于上述思考,本文在借鉴前人已有的研究成果的基础之上,运用问卷调查的方法对大学生校园公德的问题进行了分析,试图借鉴优秀传统道德教育资源对提高大学生校园公德水平提出相应的对策,希望能够进一步丰富大学生道德素质教育理论的相关研究,并对提高大学生道德素质水平的实践教学有所帮助。 除了导言和结语外,全文共分为三大部分。第一部分是对校园公德及优秀传统道德的相关概念进行了界定;第二部分,通过问卷调查的方式,在收集问卷数据结果的基础之上进行了分析、概括和总结,介绍了当代大学生校园公德的表现,包括外在表现和内在表现,以及存在问题的原因分析;第三部分,在借鉴优秀传统道德的基础之上对加强大学生校园公德的培养提出了相应的对策。
[Abstract]:The moral situation of college students has always been one of the focuses of the whole society. The group of college students belongs to the group with higher level of social education and better overall quality, which can provide an example for the whole society and lead the progress and development of the whole society. And college students are the advanced representatives of the youth, representing the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Therefore, the moral level of this group is directly related to the moral construction of the country. In the past, college students were often referred to as "the proud son of heaven in the ivory tower," and university campuses were also regarded as the last pure land in society. The negative influence brought by the development of social transformation is no exception to the university campus and college students. The lack of social morality and the loss of social morality can be seen everywhere in the university campus. The lack of public moral education on campus and the neglect of excellent traditional moral education are the important reasons leading to this problem. Therefore, it is imperative to use the excellent traditional moral education resources for reference to cultivate college students' public morality on campus. The Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education for the 21st Century, formulated by the Ministry of Education in 1998, provides strategic guidance on the improvement of the national quality of the whole society, and the group of university students belongs to the elite of the whole society. We should give full play to the role of vanguard and exemplary. In contrast, the moral quality of contemporary college students is higher than that of social people at the same time, but it is far from the high standard moral quality of college students in the past. From the point of view of development, the economic base and superstructure promote each other, coordinate with each other and develop together, but the reality is that the economy is developing at a high speed and at the same time, the moral level of the whole society is bereaved. Furthermore, it affects the decline of public morality on campus, the low quality of college students' civilization, and the appearance of all kinds of uncivilized and immoral phenomena in the campus. This kind of uncoordinated development should be attached great importance to by the whole society. It is not only the responsibility of the school and the family, but also the responsibility of the whole society that every social person should bear the responsibility of devoting himself to the cultivation of the public morality on campus and strengthening the excellent traditional moral education. On the basis of the above-mentioned thinking, this paper analyzes the problem of college students' public morality on campus by using the method of questionnaire survey on the basis of the previous research results. This paper tries to use the excellent traditional moral education resources for reference to put forward the corresponding countermeasures to improve the level of college students' public morality on campus, hoping to further enrich the relevant research of college students' moral quality education theory. It is helpful to the practice teaching of improving the moral quality of college students. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into three major parts. The first part is to define the concepts of campus public morality and outstanding traditional morality. The second part, through the way of questionnaire survey, analyzes, generalizes and summarizes the results of the questionnaire data collection, and introduces the performance of the contemporary college students' public morality on campus, including external and internal manifestations. And the reason analysis of the existing problems; The third part, on the basis of the excellent traditional morality, puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to strengthen the cultivation of college students' public morality on campus.


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