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发布时间:2019-03-15 06:53
【摘要】:2011年,我国开始了公开选拔大学校长的尝试,这潭沉寂多年的止水,终于泛起了涟漪。教育部选择东北师范大学和西南财经大学,首次尝试公开选拔高校校长。2012年,教育部第二次在海内外公开选拔直属高校校长。此次,教育部选择了北京科技大学、北京中医药大学和中国药科大学三所直属高校进行公开选拔。改革开放至今,不断变化的社会形势改变着人们对高等教育的期待,高等教育的改革从未停止,大学校长专业化发展的呼声日益高涨。如何高效合理的选拔大学校长是一个必然命题,对中国高校校长的专业发展和高等教育的发展意义重大。 长期以来,我国大学校长选任停留在由上级任命的阶段,对大学校长选任的研究也相对匮乏,大学校长遴选问题尚未得到大学及相关部门应有的重视。作为学校的最高行政长官——大学校长是大学的灵魂,对大学的平稳运行、革故鼎新、进步发展都具有决定性的影响和作用。经过一系列的长期探索与改革,,美国等国家的高等教育走在了世界高等教育的前列,美国大学校长的遴选制度也日趋成熟,涌现了一批带领美国大学走向卓越的优秀校长,其经验值得我们学习与借鉴。 本文选取英国《泰晤士报高等教育副刊》(The Times Higher Education)与IDP教育集团全球首发的2011-2012年世界大学排名中前70名大学的校长作为研究对象,以个体特征、教育背景、职业背景、晋升轨迹作为一级维度,以大学校长的性别、年龄、最高学历、最高学位所属学科、单学科或交叉学科背景、有无在现任职学校的学习经历、有无在其他机构任职的经历、在其他单位的任职年限、有无在其他高校任职的经历、曾任职岗位的性质、在其他岗位的任职年限、遴选程序、遴选标准、上任时间及任期、大学排名、大学的发展概况等作为二级维度,对国外大学校长遴选标准和程序进行实证分析。并结合我国大学校长公开选拔的发展现状,有针对性地为确立我国大学校长遴选标准和程序提供实证数据和可行性建议。
[Abstract]:In 2011, China began the open selection of university presidents, the pool for many years of water stop, finally ripples. The Ministry of Education chose Northeast normal University and Southwest University of Finance and Economics for the first time to publicly select the presidents of colleges and universities. In 2012, the Ministry of Education for the second time openly selected the presidents of directly affiliated universities at home and abroad. This time, the Ministry of Education selected Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of traditional Chinese Medicine and China Pharmaceutical University directly under the three universities for open selection. Since the reform and opening up, the changing social situation has changed people's expectations for higher education. The reform of higher education has never stopped, and the call for the professional development of university presidents is increasingly high. How to select university presidents efficiently and reasonably is an inevitable proposition, which is of great significance to the professional development and higher education development of Chinese colleges and universities. For a long time, the selection and appointment of university presidents has remained at the stage of appointment by their superiors, and the research on the selection of university presidents has also been relatively scarce. The selection of university presidents has not yet been given due attention by the universities and relevant departments. As the supreme chief executive of the university, the president of the university is the soul of the university, which has a decisive effect on the smooth operation, reform and development of the university. After a series of long-term exploration and reform, higher education in the United States and other countries has been at the forefront of higher education in the world, and the selection system for university presidents in the United States is becoming more and more mature, and a number of excellent presidents who lead American universities to excellence have emerged. Its experience is worthy of our study and reference. In this paper, the principals of the top 70 universities in the 2011-2012 World University rankings, published by the Times higher Education Supplement (The Times Higher Education) and IDP Education Group in the world, are selected as the research objects, with individual characteristics, educational background, and professional background as the research objects. The promotion track, as a first-level dimension, is based on the gender, age, highest education, subject of the highest degree, single-discipline or interdisciplinary background, study experience in the current school, experience in other institutions or not, The length of service in other units, experience in other institutions of higher learning, nature of previous posts, length of service in other posts, selection process, selection criteria, time of appointment and tenure, and university ranking, The general situation of university development as a second-level dimension, the selection criteria and procedures of foreign university presidents are empirically analyzed. Combined with the development of open selection of university presidents in China, empirical data and feasible suggestions are provided for the establishment of the criteria and procedures for the selection of university presidents in China.


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