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发布时间:2019-03-30 16:55
[Abstract]:With the deepening of educational reform and the advancement of legalization, college students' demands and attention to their own rights and interests are increasing day by day, and educational disputes are increasing sharply. At the same time, the educational disputes in colleges and universities also show new characteristics. This paper focuses on the current situation, new characteristics, ways to deal with the disputes between colleges and students and their effects through questionnaires, interviews, case analysis and other substantive studies. To understand the causes of educational disputes in colleges and universities at present, to solve the predicament and so on, to analyze the causes and difficulties of the special phenomenon of "entangling litigation" in current educational disputes in colleges and universities, and under the guidance of relevant theories, Improve the existing educational dispute resolution mechanism, put forward the internal and external educational dispute resolution mechanism linking countermeasures, study the establishment of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve educational disputes in colleges and universities third-party mechanism of the mechanism. Through re-examining the particularity of educational disputes in colleges and universities and the deficiency of existing dispute resolution mechanism, this research is beneficial to perfect the existing educational dispute resolution mechanism, and to study and construct the educational dispute resolution mechanism established in ADR mode in colleges and universities. It is beneficial to enrich, develop and perfect the relevant educational management theory, promote the healthy development of educational cause, and maintain the stability of the school and the harmony of the society.


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