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发布时间:2019-03-30 23:04
[Abstract]:Although there are many ways of ideological education for minority college students, it is an important task for academia to find more effective ways. The methods of literature research, social investigation and comparative study are used in this paper. Looking up a large number of relevant documents, constantly investigating the ideological situation of minority college students, trying to analyze the mainstream and deficiency of minority college students' thoughts, and analyzing the reasons for its deficiency, namely, the deficiency of existing ways. In-depth analysis of the particularity of ideological education of minority college students. Taking this as an opportunity, the author points out that ideological and political theory teaching, school education, social education, family education, self-education and other aspects of ideological and political theory should be taken as the starting point in ideological and political education for minority college students to form ideological and political theory teachers. Every member of the society, every teacher and classmate in the school, everyone in the family, and all the minority students themselves cooperate in the atmosphere of ideological education, so as to improve the effectiveness of the ideological education of the minority college students. The purpose of improving the ideological level of minority college students.


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