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发布时间:2019-04-02 11:13
【摘要】:格致书院作为洋务运动时期中西文化交流的产物,既是洋人向华人展示先进科学技术的平台,又是华人向洋人汲取先进文化的窗口。展示并分析这一个案例,将有助于我们更好地认识与理解洋务运动,认知当时中西彼此间的沟通与矛盾,丰富对中西文化交流与交融的了解与理解。本文在借鉴吸收前人研究成果的基础上,重点研究格致书院前期的发展情况。 文章主要对以下几个方面的问题进行了考证。首先,文章探讨了亚洲文会北中国支会对格致书院在管理模式、组织架构、人员支持等方面的影响。其次,文章捋顺了书院三个组成部分,即图书馆、展览馆、招生与科学讲座的历史脉络,并分析造成这一现象的原因。第三,文章整理了书院早期中外委员的构成情况,以及彼此间的分歧、争执对书院发展造成的影响。最后,文章认为,在“风气未开、经费不充、寡乏良师”三个客观原因之外,尚有委员会成员盲目扩大书院目标,以及委员会成员不同心同德这两个未曾被人提及的内部原因。
[Abstract]:As a product of the cultural exchanges between China and the West during the Westernization Movement, Gertrude College is not only a platform for foreigners to display advanced science and technology, but also a window for Chinese to draw advanced culture from foreigners. The demonstration and analysis of this case will help us to better understand and understand the Westernization Movement, to recognize the communication and contradiction between the Chinese and the Western at that time, and to enrich the understanding and understanding of the cultural exchange and blending between the Chinese and the Western. On the basis of absorbing the previous research results, this paper focuses on the development of Gertrude College. The article mainly carries on the textual research to the following several aspects. First of all, this paper discusses the influence of the North China Branch of the Asian Council on the management model, organizational structure, personnel support and other aspects of Gertrude College. Secondly, the article straightens out the historical context of the three components of the academy, namely the library, the exhibition hall, the enrollment and the science lecture, and analyzes the causes of this phenomenon. Third, the article sorted out the composition of the early Chinese and foreign members of the College, as well as the differences between each other, and the impact of the dispute on the development of the College. Finally, the article holds that besides the three objective reasons: "the atmosphere is not open, the funds are not adequate, and there are few good teachers", there are two internal reasons that have not been mentioned, such as the blind expansion of the aims of the College by the members of the Committee, and the fact that the members of the Committee do not agree with one another.


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