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发布时间:2019-04-15 13:19
[Abstract]:Under the influence of Puxue Daxing in the later period of Qing Dynasty, Jingxue Academy was established by Jiangxi Province as a special academy in Nanchang, the provincial capital, with Yuzhang College, Donghu College, and Youjiao Academy as the four major academies in Nanchang, the provincial capital of Nanchang, and the four major academies of Nanchang were also known as Yuzhang College, Donghu College, and Youjiao College at that time. Founded in 1840 and transformed into an industrial school in the early years of the Republic of China, it existed for more than 70 years. In the historical process of 70 years, it coincided with the educational development and reform of Jiangxi and even the whole country. It contributes to the academic development and social modernization of Jiang you and even the whole country. In view of the fact that there has not been a systematic study of the articles and works of the Academy, this paper, on the basis of searching and sorting out materials in various aspects, has made changes in the system, construction and management system of the Academy, Curriculum design and academic characteristics as well as successive examable mountain length and other aspects of climbing, sorting out, with a view to achieve a comprehensive study of the academy system.


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