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发布时间:2019-04-15 23:42
【摘要】:1989年联合国科教文组织在京召开的面向21世纪教育国际研讨会上,一个全新的教育概念“创业教育”被视为未来人应该持有的“第三本护照”被提了出来。 我国1999实施高校扩大招生的教育政策,加之经济结构与产业结构的转变,用人单位择人机制的不健全以及高校毕业生的就业能力,专业知识水平的局限性等因素共同造成了劳动力供给和需求不平衡的结构性失业现象。 高校作为培养和孕育人才的摇篮应该扛起创业教育这面旗帜,在世界经济一体化和我国创业型人才稀缺问题的推动下,高校应不断学习、发掘和改进创业教育理念和创业教育方法,以培养具有首创精神,创新能力,风险承担意识,社会责任感以及社会实践能力的高素质可持续发展人才为目标,以解决高校毕业生就业困难的社会矛盾和从整体上推动我国经济的创新型可持续发展为动力源泉。 本文将瑞典作为我国高校创业教育的比较研究对象,从中瑞两国创业教育的发展历程、机构政策、外部环境和内部因素等方面入手,通过文献法,历史法,比较法和访谈法对比分析两国在创业教育发展进程中的差异,目的是找出我国创业教育发展进程中的不足,并结合我国国情有选择地借鉴和吸收国外的先进经验和理念,为我国高校创业教育的进一步发展壮大提供思路。 本文以比较分析中瑞两国创业教育的发展历程,相关政策和机构为开端,深入比较了在不同社会文化及教育背景下,两国的高校创业教育的目标体系、课程体系、教学方式、师资力量以及教育保障机制的差异。 最终依照我国国情,提出为进一步加强我国创业教育,高校应树立正确的创业教育理念,明确创业教育目标;应构建专业化的创业教育课程体系,不断增强师资力量;应完善创业教育保障机制,辅助学生顺利从“学业”走向“创业”。
[Abstract]:At the International Conference on Education for the 21st Century, held by UN Science, Education and Culture Organization in Beijing in 1989, a new concept of education, "Entrepreneurship Education", was put forward as the "third passport" to be held by people in the future. In 1999, China implemented the educational policy of expanding enrollment of colleges and universities, together with the transformation of economic structure and industrial structure, the imperfect selection mechanism of employers and the employability of college graduates. The limitation of the level of professional knowledge leads to the structural unemployment of unbalanced supply and demand of labor force. Colleges and universities, as the cradle of cultivating and nurturing talents, should carry the banner of entrepreneurship education. Under the impetus of the integration of the world economy and the scarcity of entrepreneurial talents in China, colleges and universities should continue to learn. To explore and improve the concept and methods of entrepreneurship education, with the aim of cultivating high-quality and sustainable development talents with pioneering spirit, innovative ability, awareness of risk taking, social responsibility and social practical ability, The motive force is to solve the social contradiction of college graduates' employment difficulties and to promote the innovative and sustainable development of our country's economy as a whole. This paper takes Sweden as the object of comparative study of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in our country. The development process, institutional policy, external environment and internal factors of entrepreneurship education in China and Switzerland are discussed in this paper, and the literature law, history law, and so on, are adopted in this paper. By comparing and analyzing the differences between the two countries in the development of entrepreneurship education, the purpose is to find out the deficiencies in the development process of entrepreneurship education in China, and to selectively learn from and absorb the advanced experience and ideas of foreign countries in the light of our national conditions. To provide ideas for the further development and expansion of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in China. Starting with a comparative analysis of the development process, relevant policies and institutions of entrepreneurship education in China and Switzerland, this paper makes a deep comparison of the target system, curriculum system and teaching methods of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in the two countries under different social and cultural and educational backgrounds. The difference of teachers' strength and educational guarantee mechanism. Finally, according to the national conditions of our country, it is put forward that in order to further strengthen the entrepreneurship education in our country, colleges and universities should set up the correct concept of entrepreneurship education, clarify the goal of entrepreneurship education, construct the specialized curriculum system of entrepreneurship education, and constantly strengthen the teachers' strength. The guarantee mechanism of entrepreneurship education should be improved to help students go from academic to entrepreneurial.


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