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发布时间:2019-04-20 11:29
【摘要】:进入新世纪以来,随着经济的快速发展以及人口的急剧增长,人们赖以生存的家园由于社会生产对于自然环境无节制的索取造成了一系列的环境问题。人类的生存与发展离不开自然环境的给予,面对日益恶化的生态环境,众多国家开始纷纷加入低碳环保计划的行列,加强了对于人们的低碳环保意识的教育与培养,从而提高人们的低碳环保意识,推动人与社会、人与自然的和谐、健康、可持续发展。当前我国正处于社会和经济发展的关键时期,高等教育也正在不断地向大众化发展,,身处于高校的大学生则成为了未来建设我国社会主义伟大事业的主力军,提高他们的低碳环保意识不仅关系到大学生的全面发展,更决定着我国未来社会发展的走向。我国正在积极推进可持续发展战略,努力构建社会主义和谐社会,低碳环保意识的教育便成为了我国学者在新时期的一个重点研究课题。低碳经济背景下,加强大学生低碳环保意识培养的研究可以说有着理论与实践的双重意义,其不仅是对于我国高等教育的进一步完善,更能够推进我国教育体制的改革,最终从大学生开始,以点带面,将低碳环保意识传递到社会更广泛的领域当中,从而促进我国社会经济的绿色、健康发展。 本文在相关文献资料的理论基础上提出了研究假设,设计并发放了1000份调查问卷,采取调查走访的方式展开调研,随后通过线性回归法分析了大学生环保意识培养的现状,并归纳其中的存在问题及原因。最后根据前文的研究内容提出了低碳经济背景下大学生环保意识培养的对策与建议。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the new century, with the rapid development of the economy and the rapid growth of the population, the homes on which people depend for survival have caused a series of environmental problems due to the uncontrolled demand of social production for the natural environment. The survival and development of mankind cannot be separated from the giving of the natural environment. In the face of the worsening ecological environment, many countries began to join the ranks of low-carbon environmental protection plans one after another, and strengthened the education and training of people's awareness of low-carbon environmental protection. Thus improve people's awareness of low-carbon environmental protection, promote people and society, man and nature harmony, health, sustainable development. At present, our country is in a critical period of social and economic development, and higher education is also constantly developing towards popularization, and college students in colleges and universities have become the main force in the great cause of building socialism in the future. Improving their awareness of low-carbon environmental protection is not only related to the all-round development of college students, but also determines the future social development trend of our country. China is actively promoting the strategy of sustainable development and building a harmonious socialist society. The education of low-carbon environmental protection consciousness has become a key research topic in the new era. Under the background of low-carbon economy, the research on strengthening the cultivation of college students' awareness of low-carbon environmental protection can be said to have both theoretical and practical significance. It is not only for the further improvement of China's higher education, but also for promoting the reform of China's education system. Finally, starting from college students, the awareness of low-carbon environmental protection will be transferred to a wider field of society, so as to promote the green and healthy development of China's social economy. Based on the theory of relevant literature, this paper puts forward the research hypothesis, designs and distributes 1000 questionnaires, adopts the way of investigation and interview to carry out the investigation, and then analyzes the present situation of the cultivation of college students' environmental protection consciousness by linear regression method. And summed up the existing problems and reasons. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the cultivation of college students' environmental protection consciousness under the background of low-carbon economy.


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