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发布时间:2019-04-21 15:03
【摘要】:培养个性全面、充分发展的小学教师是新基础教育改革提出的师资要求,也是教师教育应接受的挑战。本科小学教育专业作为一个高校的新专业,既承担了新时代赋予的人才培养新使命,也承载了新的建设机遇。本文在学分制理念的视角下,对我国高校本科小学教育专业培养方案进行了问题的分析和改进思路的探讨。 文章首先详细阐述了学分制的理念,认为学分制代表的高校人才培养理念以承认大学生的个体差异为前提,并在尊重大学生自由选择的权利的基础上最终将人才培养的价值方向导向发展大学生的个性。 在学分制理念背景下,通过对南京师范大学、东北师范大学和首都师范大学这三所具有代表性的本科小学教育专业培养方案的呈现和分析得出:三所高校的培养方案都体现出力图拓展学生的知识视野、适当增设了一些选修课程、承认并给予大学生一定的选择权利等学分制特征,在一定程度上为大学生个性的充分发展提供了条件。但是,培养方案也还存在着培养目标趋向同质化,课程体系的专业课程与通识课程、必修课与选修课之间缺乏合理的结构以及未充分体现大学生的自主选择权的不足。 通过进一步的分析发现,我国本科小学教育专业培养方案存在这些不足和方案制定者缺乏对学分制及理念的应有理解、方案制订者缺乏学生立场以及学院间的隔离使通识教育难以落实等有着密切的关系。鉴于培养方案的不足和产生不足的原因,指出我国高校本科小学教育专业培养方案的完善可以从以下三个方面着手:一是方案制订者应在理念与制度上深刻理解小教专业学生的个体差异,二是学校及方案制订者应落实大学生的选择权利,三是高校应在培养目标、课程体系以及整个管理制度上突出培养小学教师的个性
[Abstract]:Cultivating all-round and fully developed primary school teachers is not only the requirement of the new elementary education reform, but also the challenge that teachers' education should accept. As a new major in colleges and universities, undergraduate primary education has not only undertaken the new mission given by the new era to cultivate talents, but also carried new construction opportunities. From the perspective of the idea of credit system, this paper analyzes the problems and probes into the improvement of the training scheme of undergraduate and primary education major in colleges and universities in our country. First of all, this paper expounds the idea of credit system in detail, and thinks that the idea of cultivating talents in colleges and universities represented by the credit system is based on the premise of recognizing the individual differences of college students. And on the basis of respecting college students' right to choose freely, the value direction of talent cultivation is finally directed to develop the personality of college students. Under the background of the idea of credit system, through the study of Nanjing normal University, The presentation and analysis of the three representative undergraduate primary education major training programs of Northeast normal University and Capital normal University show that the training programs of the three colleges and universities all reflect their efforts to expand the students' knowledge field of vision. Appropriate addition of some elective courses, recognition and granting of certain rights of choice and other credit system features, to a certain extent, provided conditions for the full development of college students' personality. However, there are still some problems in the training plan, such as the homogenization of training objectives, the lack of reasonable structure between compulsory courses and elective courses, and the deficiency of self-choice rights of college students in the course system of specialized courses and general courses. Through further analysis, it is found that these deficiencies exist in the training program of undergraduate primary education major in our country and the lack of proper understanding of the credit system and the concept of credit system among the program makers. The lack of students' stand and the separation between colleges make it difficult to implement general education. In view of the inadequacy of the training programme and the reasons for its inadequacy, It is pointed out that the improvement of the training program for undergraduate and primary education in colleges and universities can be started from the following three aspects: first, the planners should have a deep understanding of the individual differences of the students majoring in primary education in terms of concept and system. Second, schools and planners should implement the right of choice of college students, and third, colleges and universities should highlight the cultivation of the personality of primary school teachers in terms of training objectives, curriculum system and the whole management system.


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