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发布时间:2019-04-29 13:18
[Abstract]:With the increasing popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of network technology around the world, a variety of new social tools appear. As a new social tool, Renren has been integrated into the daily life of contemporary college students with its humanized design concept and powerful service function. The independent college students also widely use "Renren" as a network social platform, becoming their important network social platform for information communication, interpersonal communication and personal opinion expression. It has a wide and profound influence on the life style and values of independent college students. This paper is based on this background and in-depth research, in the independent college students in the wide application of "Renren" in the new trend, "Renren" into the ideological and political education of independent college students, It not only conforms to the law of ideological and political education of independent college students, but also satisfies the requirements of the continuous development of ideological and political education of independent college students. The use of Renren Network not only challenges the ideological and political education of independent college students, but also brings unlimited opportunities to the ideological and political education of independent college students. The ideological and political educators in independent colleges should make full use of this opportunity and make full use of Renren, a new network social tool, so that it can play a positive role in the ideological and political education of independent college students to the maximum extent. The paper is divided into five parts: the introduction mainly introduces the research background, domestic and foreign research status, research significance, research methods, innovation points and the logical structure of the paper. The first chapter introduces the rise and development of Renren Network in China, and the main functions and characteristics of Renren Network. The second chapter, through the analysis of independent college students using "Renren" status, from the investigation object, research methods, data analysis and other aspects to describe the independent college students using "Renren" survey of the basic situation, This paper analyzes and summarizes the statistical situation of the use of Renren Network by independent college students. The third chapter, on the basis of the investigation and analysis, combined with the characteristics of Renren, analyzes the opportunities and challenges that Renren brings to the ideological and political education of independent college students. In the fourth chapter, from perfecting the system of network supervision, making full use of Renren Network to expand the space of ideological and political education for college students in independent colleges, we can build an interactive system of ideological and political education under the Internet. The countermeasures to strengthen the ideological and political education of independent college students are put forward in the aspects of strengthening the construction of college students' ideological and political education team and so on, taking the "Renren Network" as the carrier.


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