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发布时间:2019-05-05 21:02
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国志愿服务活动迅速发展,大学生志愿者数量不断增加。但同时我们也注意到,参与志愿服务的大学生仍然只是大学生群体中的一小部分,而且有相当一部分志愿者只是偶尔进行志愿服务,并未达到经常或者定期参与志愿服务的“理想状态”。建立有序高效的大学生志愿者动员机制是改善这一状况的有效途径。 本文首先探讨大学生志愿者动员机制的动力来源、构成要素,进而研究此机制的运行过程和运行模式,并指出目前大学生志愿者动员机制中存在的问题,以期通过这种机制的良性运行来提高大学生志愿服务的参与程度并保证志愿服务的持续性。 本文共分为六个章节: 第一章导论中明确选题背景和意义,对基本概念进行界定,同时说明研究的分析框架以及使用的调查方法。 第二章阐述大学生志愿者动员机制构建的理论视角。本文试图运用社会资本理论分析动员机制的建构。从认知性社会资本与结构性社会资本两个方面入手,认识其对于动员机制的指导作用,并提出假设。 第三章对大学生志愿者动员机制展开分析,充分利用对济南市高校的调查资料,阐明大学生志愿者动员机制的动力来源,具体包括内部动因与外部动因两个部分,内部动因即志愿者的参与动机,外部动因可分为组织驱动力和社会驱动力的影响。接下来重点分析大学生志愿者动员机制的动员主体、动员客体、动员方式与动员环境这四大构成要素。 第四章完成大学生志愿者动员机制构建。从动员主体的角度分析动员机制的运行过程,从静态与动态两个方面探讨动员机制的运行模式。从静态角度分析,动员主体通过各种动员方式对动员客体产生作用,使其投身到志愿服务事业中来,同时,动员环境也在动员过程中对动员客体施加影响。从动态角度分析,高校共青团、大学生志愿服务类社团、民间志愿服务组织这三类动员主体的动员过程都由宣传环节、组织环节、激励环节组成,发挥各自的优势,实现动员效应最大化。 第五章阐述大学生志愿服务动员机制存在的问题,从动员主体、动员客体、动员方式和动员环境这四个层面,具体分析此机制存在的问题。 第六章为结论部分,验证前文提出的三个假设,对全文观点进行总结,在社会资本理论指导下提出解决问题的意见。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the volunteer service activity of our country develops rapidly, the number of college student volunteers increases continuously. But at the same time, we also note that the number of college students involved in volunteering is still a small fraction of the college population, and that a significant number of volunteers are only occasionally volunteering, Did not reach the "ideal state" of regular or regular participation in volunteerism. Establishing an orderly and efficient mobilization mechanism for college students volunteers is an effective way to improve this situation. First of all, this paper discusses the motivation source and elements of the mobilization mechanism of college students volunteers, and then studies the operation process and mode of this mechanism, and points out the problems existing in the mobilization mechanism of college students' volunteers at present. In order to improve the participation of college students' voluntary service and ensure the continuity of volunteerism through the benign operation of this mechanism. This paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter clarifies the background and significance of the topic, defines the basic concepts, and explains the analytical framework of the study and the investigation methods used. The second chapter expounds the theoretical perspective of the mobilization mechanism of college students' volunteers. This paper attempts to use the theory of social capital to analyze the construction of mobilization mechanism. Starting from the cognitive social capital and the structural social capital, the author realizes its guiding function to the mobilization mechanism, and puts forward some hypotheses. The third chapter analyzes the mobilization mechanism of college students' volunteers, makes full use of the investigation data of colleges and universities in Jinan City, and clarifies the motive source of the mobilization mechanism of college students' volunteers, which includes two parts: internal motivation and external motivation. Internal motivation is volunteer participation motivation, external motivation can be divided into organizational driving force and social driving force. Next, it analyzes the mobilization subject, the mobilization object, the mobilization mode and the mobilization environment of the mobilization mechanism of college students' volunteers. The fourth chapter completes the university student volunteer mobilization mechanism construction. This paper analyzes the operation process of mobilization mechanism from the point of view of mobilization subject, and probes into the operation mode of mobilization mechanism from two aspects: static and dynamic. From the static point of view, the mobilization subject plays a role in the mobilization object through various mobilization methods, and causes it to participate in the voluntary service. At the same time, the mobilization environment also exerts influence on the mobilization object in the mobilization process. From the dynamic point of view, the mobilization process of the three kinds of mobilization subjects, namely, the Communist Youth League of higher Education, the voluntary service associations of college students, and the folk voluntary service organizations, is composed of propaganda, organization and motivation, giving full play to their respective advantages. To maximize the mobilization effect. The fifth chapter expounds the problems existing in the mobilization mechanism of college students' voluntary service, and analyzes the problems in this mechanism from four aspects: the mobilization subject, the mobilization object, the mobilization mode and the mobilization environment. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part, validates the three hypotheses put forward earlier, sums up the point of view of the full text, and puts forward the suggestion of solving the problem under the guidance of the social capital theory.


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