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发布时间:2019-05-08 11:17
【摘要】:独立学院发展到今天已有十余年,为了规范独立学院的发展,国家相继出台了一些政策法规,在2008年2月,教育部公布了《独立学院设置与管理办法》。根据26号令的精神,要求在此之前设立的独立学院以5年为期限,按照《办法》的规定调整,必须充实办学条件,撤、转、合并成为独立学院最终的归宿选择。 2013年即将是过渡时期的截止日期,国家硬性文件规定独立学院不能按原有模式运行与各独立学院利益主体仍维持原有状态之间形成矛盾与冲突。研究独立学院转设问题,主要是在利益相关者的视角下,在独立学院转设过程中,,阐述什么是利益相关者理论,转设涉及的利益相关者有哪些?根据什么依据进行分类的?在转设过程中又扮演着怎样的角色?他们是如何影响独立学院转设的?他们之间的利益博弈和动机又是什么?这些都是在文中需要进一步研究的。 研究的结构主要是首先了解全国及各地独立学院转设的总体情况,掌握第一手资料和信息;其次详细阐述利益相关者的理论及分类依据和在转设过程中的角色扮演,分析出独立学院转设所涉及的是哪些利益相关者;再次是挖掘独立学院转设过程中存在哪些问题,利益相关者是怎样影响转设的?最后便是对独立学院转设存在的问题进行原因分析,主要是从利益相关者之间的利益博弈出发。
[Abstract]:It has been more than ten years since the development of independent colleges. In order to regulate the development of independent colleges, the state has issued some policies and regulations one after another. In February 2008, the Ministry of Education published the "measures for setting up and managing independent colleges". In accordance with the spirit of decree No. 26, the independent colleges established before this are required to be set up for a period of five years and adjusted in accordance with the regulations of the regulations. It is necessary to enrich the conditions for running schools, withdraw, transfer and merge them into the final choice of destination for independent colleges. 2013 is about to be the deadline for the transition period, and the state compulsory document stipulates that independent colleges cannot operate according to the original mode and that the main stakeholders of independent colleges still maintain the original state of conflict and conflict. To study the problem of independent college rescheduling, mainly in the perspective of stakeholders, in the process of independent college re-establishment, what is the stakeholder theory, what are the stakeholders involved in the re-establishment? According to what basis? What role does it play in the transfer process? How did they affect the transfer of independent colleges? What is the game of interest and motivation between them? All of these need to be further studied in this paper. The structure of the study is to first of all understand the overall situation of the national and local independent colleges, master first-hand information and information; Secondly, it elaborates the theory and classification basis of stakeholders and the role-playing in the process of re-establishment, and analyzes which stakeholders are involved in the re-establishment of independent colleges. Thirdly, what are the problems in the process of independent college re-establishment, and how does the stakeholders affect the re-establishment? Finally, it analyzes the reasons of the problems existing in the independent college's re-establishment, mainly from the interest game among the stakeholders.


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