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发布时间:2019-05-09 23:29
【摘要】:高素质创新创业型人才在建设创新型国家和全面建成小康社会、实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴过程中发挥极其重要的作用。美国建设创新型强国的实践和我国改革开放以来的创新创业热潮,都充分证明了培养大批高素质创新创业型人才的极端重要性。高校担负着培养大批高素质创新创业人才的重要任务,是提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家的重要力量。深入开展大学生创业教育,既是培养大批高素质创新创业型人才的有效途径,也是深入开展大学生思想政治教育和素质教育的重要内容。大学生创业教育模式是大学生创业教育理论与实践有机结合的产物,对于有效促进大学生创业教育的科学化、规范化、优质化、普及化具有重要作用。 文献检索结果表明,美国高校实施大学生创业教育起步较早,已经积累了丰富而先进的大学生创业教育经验,形成了许多行之有效的大学生创业教育模式,培养了一批又一批高素质创新创业型人才;而我国高校实施大学生创业教育起步较晚,虽然许多高校在构建大学生创业教育模式方面进行了积极探索与实践并取得了一定成效,但还远远不能适应培养大批高素质创新创业型人才的要求。因此,深入开展中美大学生创业教育模式比较研究,学习与借鉴美国高校在构建大学生创业教育模式方面的成功经验,结合我国大学生创业教育的实际情况,为我国高校科学构建大学生创业教育模式、有效实施大学生创业教育提供参考意见,就显得十分重要和必要。 本文从大学生创业教育的概念、内容、特征以及大学生创业教育模式的概念、要素、功能等方面进行了多角度探讨;在此基础上从理论探索历程和实践探索历程两个方面就中美大学生创业教育的发展历程进行比较分析;进而从目标、理念、程序、条件、评价等五个维度就中美大学生创业教育模式进行深入比较分析,,从而发现并指出我国在构建大学生创业教育模式方面存在的薄弱环节;最后针对我国在构建大学生创业教育模式方面存在的薄弱环节,借鉴美国在构建大学生创业教育模式方面的有益经验,得出了完善大学生创业教育模式的五点启示。这五点启示体现为:一要更新创业教育理念,包括知识先导理念、实践为本理念、科学孵化理念和系统优化理念;二要优化创业课程体系,包括理论课程体系和实践课程体系;三要健全创业教育机构,包括教育领导小组、理论研究机构、教学管理机构和资金管理机构;四要改善创业教育条件,包括创业师资队伍、创业实践基地、创业文化氛围和社会支持系统;五要完善创业教育评价,包括学校评价、企业评价、社会评价和政府评价。
[Abstract]:High-quality innovative entrepreneurial talents play an extremely important role in building an innovative country, building a well-off society in an all-round way, realizing socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The practice of building an innovative country in the United States and the upsurge of innovation and entrepreneurship since China's reform and opening up have fully proved the extreme importance of cultivating a large number of high-quality innovative entrepreneurial talents. Colleges and universities take on the important task of cultivating a large number of high-quality innovative entrepreneurial talents. It is an important force to improve the ability of independent innovation and build an innovative country. Carrying out entrepreneurship education for college students is not only an effective way to train a large number of innovative entrepreneurial talents with high quality, but also an important part of carrying out ideological and political education and quality education for college students. The mode of college students' entrepreneurship education is the product of the organic combination of theory and practice of college students' entrepreneurship education, which plays an important role in effectively promoting the scientization, standardization, high quality and popularization of college students' entrepreneurship education. The results of literature retrieval show that the implementation of entrepreneurship education for college students in the United States started early, accumulated rich and advanced experience in entrepreneurship education for college students, and formed many effective models of entrepreneurship education for college students. A number of high-quality innovative entrepreneurial talents have been trained. However, the implementation of entrepreneurship education for college students in China started relatively late, although many colleges and universities have actively explored and practiced the construction of entrepreneurship education model for college students and achieved some results. However, it is far from meeting the requirements of cultivating a large number of high-quality innovative entrepreneurial talents. Therefore, we should carry out a comparative study on the mode of entrepreneurship education for college students in China and the United States, learn from and draw lessons from the successful experience of American colleges and universities in constructing the mode of entrepreneurship education for college students, and combine the actual situation of entrepreneurship education for college students in China. It is very important and necessary for colleges and universities in our country to construct the mode of entrepreneurship education for college students scientifically, and to provide reference and advice for the effective implementation of entrepreneurship education for college students. This paper discusses the concept, content and characteristics of college students' entrepreneurship education from many angles, as well as the concept, elements and functions of college students' entrepreneurship education model. On this basis, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the development course of entrepreneurship education of Chinese and American college students from two aspects: theoretical exploration course and practice exploration course; Then, from the five dimensions of goal, concept, procedure, condition and evaluation, this paper makes a comparative analysis on the mode of entrepreneurship education for college students in China and the United States, and then finds and points out the weak links in the construction of entrepreneurship education model for college students in China. Finally, in view of the weak links existing in the construction of college students' entrepreneurship education model in our country, and drawing lessons from the beneficial experience of the United States in constructing the college students' entrepreneurship education model, this paper obtains five enlightenments for perfecting the college students' entrepreneurship education model. These five enlightenments are as follows: first, renew the concept of entrepreneurship education, including the concept of knowledge forerunner, practice-oriented, scientific incubation and systematic optimization, second, optimize the curriculum system of entrepreneurship, including theoretical curriculum system and practical curriculum system; Third, we should improve educational institutions for entrepreneurship, including educational leadership groups, theoretical research institutions, teaching and management institutions and fund management institutions; Fourth, it is necessary to improve the conditions of entrepreneurship education, including entrepreneurship teachers, entrepreneurial practice base, entrepreneurial culture atmosphere and social support system; fifth, improve the evaluation of entrepreneurship education, including school evaluation, enterprise evaluation, social evaluation and government evaluation.


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