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发布时间:2019-05-12 10:58
【摘要】:处于网络文化飞速发展时代的“90后”,其理想信念、道德观念等都会受到很大的影响。“90后”大学生正确荣辱观的确立,不仅与到大学生自身发展密切相关,也决定着国家的发展与未来。因此,在网络文化背景下,研究分析“90后”大学生的荣辱观的特点及存在问题,深入分析其形成原因,探索实现“90后”大学生荣辱观教育的有效途径,具有非常重要的现实意义。 论文第一章首先介绍了社会主义荣辱观教育的内涵,包括荣辱观的内容,荣辱观与羞耻感的关系,荣辱观的功能,社会主义荣辱观的现实依据和思想基础,社会主义荣辱观的基本内容、特点以及功能。第二章分析了“90后”大学生荣辱观现状,包括“90后”大学生的思想、行为、心理以及性格等特征,“90后”大学生荣辱观的认知与践行,,“90后”大学生的人生观、世界观和价值观。第三章分析了“90后”大学生荣辱观存在的问题及影响因素。“90后”大学生荣辱观存在的问题,主要包括爱国主义缺失、服务意识缺失、存在迷信现象、劳动观念淡薄、集体荣誉感淡薄、诚信问题、违法乱纪行为增多以及艰苦奋斗精神缺失等;影响大学生社会主义荣辱观形成的因素主要包括家庭、学校、网络、文化、经济以及大学生自身等方面。第四章探讨了树立“90后”大学生社会主义荣辱观的途径,主要包括学校层面、国家层面以及大学生自身三个方面。其中学校层面的措施主要有以师德建设为前提加强大学生荣辱观教育,把加强大学生社会主义荣辱观纳入教学大纲,以社会实践为桥梁加强大学生荣辱观教育,优化校园网络文化、扩展荣辱观教育平台;国家层面的措施有大力宣传社会主义精神文明建设、加强公民道德建设,健全法制制度建设、惩治和打击各种违法犯罪行为,努力优化和谐的社会舆论环境;自身努力主要包括提高对道德及其重要性的认识,明确人生奋斗的价值和目标,保持健康向上的精神状态、正确对待遇到的挫折以及成败等。 在网络文化背景下,大学生社会主义荣辱观的教育任重而道远。高校学生管理工作者需要正确对待大学生荣辱观教育过程中出现的新情况、新问题,积极创新大学生荣辱观教育的方式方法,拓宽荣辱观教育的渠道。同时,大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的开展需要有效整合社会、学校、家庭三者的力量,积极调动当代大学生的积极性和主动性,全力营造好社会主义荣辱观教育的氛围和环境。
[Abstract]:In the era of rapid development of network culture, the ideals, beliefs and moral concepts of the post-90s generation will be greatly influenced. The establishment of the correct concept of honor and disgrace of the post-90s college students is not only closely related to the development of the college students themselves. It also determines the development and future of the country. Therefore, under the background of network culture, this paper studies and analyzes the characteristics and existing problems of the concept of honor and disgrace of post-90s college students, deeply analyzes the causes of its formation, and explores the effective ways to realize the education of the concept of honor and disgrace of post-90s college students. It is of great practical significance. The first chapter of the paper introduces the connotation of socialist concept of honor and disgrace education, including the content of the concept of honor and disgrace, the relationship between the concept of honor and disgrace and the sense of shame, the function of the concept of honor and disgrace, the realistic basis and ideological basis of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace. The basic content, characteristics and functions of socialist concept of honor and disgrace. The second chapter analyzes the present situation of the concept of honor and disgrace of the post-90s college students, including the characteristics of the thinking, behavior, psychology and character of the post-90s college students, the cognition and practice of the post-90s college students' concept of honor and disgrace, and the outlook on life of the post-90s college students. World outlook and values. The third chapter analyzes the problems and influencing factors of the concept of honor and disgrace of the post-90s college students. The problems of the concept of honor and disgrace of the post-90s college students mainly include the lack of patriotism, the lack of service consciousness, the existence of superstition, and the weak concept of labor. The sense of collective honor is weak, the problem of honesty and credit, the increase of illegal behavior and the lack of spirit of hard work and so on; The factors that influence the formation of college students' socialist outlook on honor and disgrace include family, school, network, culture, economy and college students themselves. The fourth chapter discusses the ways to establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace of post-90s college students, including the school level, the national level and the college students themselves. Among them, the measures at the school level mainly include strengthening the education of college students' concept of honor and disgrace on the premise of the construction of teachers' morality, bringing strengthening the socialist concept of honor and disgrace of college students into the syllabus, and taking social practice as a bridge to strengthen the education of college students' concept of honor and disgrace. Optimizing campus network culture and expanding the educational platform of honor and disgrace concept; The measures at the national level include vigorously publicizing the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, strengthening the construction of citizens' morality, perfecting the construction of the legal system, punishing and cracking down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts, and making great efforts to optimize the harmonious public opinion environment; Self-efforts mainly include raising the understanding of morality and its importance, clarifying the value and goal of life's struggle, maintaining a healthy and upward mental state, correctly dealing with setbacks, success or failure, and so on. Under the background of network culture, the education of college students' socialist concept of honor and disgrace has a long way to go. College student management workers need to correctly deal with the new situation and new problems in the process of college students' honor and disgrace education, actively innovate the ways and means of college students' honor and disgrace education, and broaden the channels of honor and disgrace education. At the same time, the education of college students' socialist concept of honor and disgrace needs to effectively integrate the strength of society, school and family, actively mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of contemporary college students, and make every effort to create a good atmosphere and environment for the education of socialist concept of honor and disgrace.


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