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发布时间:2019-05-19 14:35
【摘要】:教材管理是高校教学管理中的一部分。随着教育体制的改革和教育理念更新,为了适应新形势下对教材的要求,西华大学的教材管理经历了以下几个重要阶段的变革。 在2000年之前,西华大学采用学年制的教学模式,按照一种单一的模式的、统一的教学计划培养学生。在这种情况下,相同专业学生每学期所学的课程相同、使用的教材相同、学生人数基本不变,教材管理不需要多高的要求,手工采用一本台帐即可解决。之后,学校开始推行学年学分制,学生的个性化发展逐步受到越来越多的重视,学生有了一定数量的选修课,但可选余地不是很大,教材的种类也不算太多,为了更好的服务学生,提高教学管理水平,在教务处的委托下,学校的教师在2000开发了单机版的教务系统,实现了排课、课表、成绩、学籍管理,但教材管理还是采用台账的方式实现。 2005年西华大学开始实行完全的学分制教学模式,使每一位学生在学校都可以从各自的起点、按照一定的路线、根据自身的爱好和特长以及今后的发展方向来修习课程。这种教学模式完全改变了原来以行政班级为单位的、学年制得教学模式,使得教材管理工作变的日益复杂。2005年学校引进了浙江正方教务管理系统,实现了选课、排课、课表、成绩、学籍等的管理,但教材管理功能还不是很完善,学校通过纸质文档和excel相结合的半自动化方式实现教材的管理。 我校现有22个学院,73个本科专业,以工为主,工、理、文、管、经、法、教、艺等多学科协调发展,现有全日制在校学生3.8万余人,之前的教材管理模式无法高效实现全校学生教材的选购、入库、出库、结算等工作,如2012-2013学年春季学期共开课904门,选用教材878种,订购教材134726本,集体发放教材129810本,零售教材2080本,教师领用教参628本,退回教材2208本,实用教材金额4170558.30万元(码洋)。为此,本论文从学校教材管理现状入手,在分析教材管理中存在问题以及学校以前采用过的教材系统(模块)的基础上,提出改进办法,进而形成学校教材管理系统的解决方案并实现。 主要工作如下: 1、分析教材管理存在的主要问题; 2、调研我校教材管理工作; 3、在调研的基础上对教材管理系统进行需求分析、设计与实现、测试; 论文对系统开发模式进行了对比,结合学校的实际情况采用C/S和B/S混合架构模式。以ASP.NET作为开发平台,以C#语言作为开发工具,采用微软的SQL SERVER2008为后台数据库实现了教材管理系统。
[Abstract]:Teaching material management is a part of teaching management in colleges and universities. With the reform of educational system and the renewal of educational concept, in order to meet the requirements of teaching materials under the new situation, the textbook management of Xihua University has undergone the following important stages of reform. Before 2000, Xihua University adopted the teaching mode of academic year, and trained students according to a single mode and unified teaching plan. In this case, the same major students learn the same courses per semester, the use of the same teaching materials, the number of students is basically the same, teaching material management does not need much high requirements, manual use of an account can be solved. After that, the school began to carry out the credit system in the academic year, and more attention was paid to the individualized development of students. Students had a certain number of elective courses, but the choice was not very large, and the types of teaching materials were not too many. In order to better serve the students and improve the level of teaching management, under the entrustment of the academic Affairs Office, the teachers of the school developed a single-machine version of the educational administration system in 2000, which realized the management of course arrangement, schedule, achievement and student status. However, the management of teaching materials is still realized by means of accounts. In 2005, Xihua University began to implement a complete credit system teaching model, so that each student in the school can take courses from their own starting point, according to a certain route, according to their own hobbies and specialties, as well as the direction of development in the future. This teaching mode has completely changed the original teaching mode of administrative class, and made the management of teaching materials more and more complicated. In 2005, the school introduced Zhejiang Zhengfang educational administration management system, and realized the selection, arrangement and schedule of courses. Achievements, student status and other management, but the teaching material management function is not very perfect, the school through the combination of paper documents and excel semi-automatic way to achieve the management of teaching materials. Our school has 22 colleges and 73 undergraduate majors, mainly in industry, science, literature, management, economics, law, teaching, art and other disciplines of coordinated development, the existing full-time students of more than 38000. The previous teaching material management mode can not efficiently realize the selection and purchase, storage, storage and settlement of teaching materials for the whole school. For example, a total of 904 courses were opened in the spring semester of the 2012 / 2013 school year, 878 kinds of teaching materials were selected, 134726 textbooks were ordered, and 129810 textbooks were distributed collectively. 2080 retail textbooks, 628 references received by teachers, 2208 copies returned, the amount of practical teaching materials is 41.705583 billion yuan (code ocean). Therefore, this paper starts with the present situation of the teaching material management in the school, and on the basis of analyzing the existing problems in the teaching material management and the teaching material system (module) adopted by the school before, puts forward the improvement methods. Then form the solution of school teaching material management system and realize it. The main work is as follows: 1, analyze the main problems existing in the management of teaching materials; 2, investigate the management of teaching materials in our school; 3. On the basis of investigation, carry on the demand analysis, design and implementation, test of the management system of teaching materials; In this paper, the system development mode is compared, and the mixed architecture mode of C / S and B / S is adopted according to the actual situation of the school. The teaching material management system is realized by using ASP.NET as the development platform, C # language as the development tool and Microsoft SQL SERVER2008 as the background database.


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1 周璞;孙云;;基于C/S和B/S混合模式的高校教材管理系统的研究与设计[J];数字技术与应用;2011年08期




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