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发布时间:2019-05-23 04:03
【摘要】:随着我国社会经济的发展,高校的办学规模也在不断扩大,为适应我国社会主义现代化建设的需要,近年来高等教育体制改革也在不断的深入开展,我国的高等教育已经开始进入了大众化教育的阶段。然而,作为高校管理的重要组成部分,高校后勤管理在教育体制改革中的作用却容易被忽视。由于长期受计划经济体制的影响,高校后勤服务一直是以福利性质存在,高校后勤管理庞大的队伍,事无巨细的参与了高校的日常工作,使高校俨然就像一个“小社会”。臃肿的后勤管理队伍,已经严重的挤占了高校的教学与科研资源,成为高校体制改革的包袱。因此,建立一套适应新时期高校教育发展的后勤管理服务新体系,就成为高校完成教育改革、完善教育体制的重要任务。适应高等教育大众化、优化资源配置和提升服务质量是建设节约型高校后勤发展的必然趋势;节约型的后勤管理体制,以及后勤运行机制等的改革与创新,其目的就在于,把建设节约型高校后勤服务原则以及管理规范,有机的融合到后勤管理的发展战略以及战略实施的过程中,把节约型校园的管理目标以及发展理念,贯彻到高校的后勤制度建设与实践中。 在本文中,将在节约型高校后勤管理发展的理论基础上,通过对福建农林大学后勤管理体制与运行机制的实证分析,,对基于节约型背景下的高校后勤管理制度体系的构建进行了创新探索。本文的研究,首先就节约型的高校后勤管理概念,在理论上进行界定,并阐述了节约型高校后勤管理体制与运行机制创新的内部构成要素和环境因素。其次,通过对国外高校后勤管理发展的分析研究,提出对我国节约型高校后勤管理与创新的启示,并有针对性地提出我国节约型高校后勤管理发展的改进方向。接着,通过对福建农林大学后勤管理的实证分析,剖析其体制现状及管理策略,深入揭示节约型高校后勤管理改革在创新上的不足。最后,将就节约型的高校后勤管理体制、高校后勤运行机制等的改革创新,提出切实可行的策略。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy in our country, the scale of running colleges and universities is also expanding constantly. In order to meet the needs of socialist modernization in our country, the reform of higher education system has been carried out in depth in recent years. Higher education in our country has begun to enter the stage of popular education. However, as an important part of university management, the role of university logistics management in the reform of education system is easy to be ignored. Due to the influence of planned economy system for a long time, the logistics service of colleges and universities has always existed in the nature of welfare. The huge team of logistics management in colleges and universities has participated in the daily work of colleges and universities in great detail, which makes colleges and universities look like a "small society". The bloated logistics management team has seriously squeezed the teaching and scientific research resources of colleges and universities, and has become the burden of the system reform of colleges and universities. Therefore, the establishment of a new logistics management service system to adapt to the development of university education in the new period has become an important task for colleges and universities to complete the educational reform and improve the educational system. It is the inevitable trend of the logistics development of economical colleges and universities to adapt to the popularization of higher education, optimize the allocation of resources and improve the quality of service. The purpose of the reform and innovation of the economical logistics management system, as well as the logistics operation mechanism, is to build the logistics service principles and management norms of the economical colleges and universities. In the process of integrating the development strategy of logistics management and the implementation of the strategy, the management goal and development concept of economical campus are implemented into the construction and practice of logistics system in colleges and universities. In this paper, on the basis of the theory of the development of economical university logistics management, through the empirical analysis of the logistics management system and operation mechanism of Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, This paper makes an innovative exploration on the construction of the logistics management system in colleges and universities based on the economical background. In this paper, firstly, the concept of economical university logistics management is defined theoretically, and the internal elements and environmental factors of the innovation of economical university logistics management system and operation mechanism are expounded. Secondly, through the analysis and research on the development of logistics management in foreign colleges and universities, this paper puts forward the enlightenment to the logistics management and innovation of economical colleges and universities in China, and puts forward the direction of improving the development of logistics management in economical colleges and universities in China. Then, through the empirical analysis of the logistics management of Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, this paper analyzes the present situation and management strategy of the system, and deeply reveals the shortcomings of the innovation of the logistics management reform of economical colleges and universities. Finally, some feasible strategies will be put forward on the reform and innovation of economical university logistics management system and university logistics operation mechanism.


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