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发布时间:2019-05-24 23:14
[Abstract]:The paradigm of higher education nationalization originated from the modern nation-state after the Westphalia Treaty in the 17th century and matured from the Berlin University in Humboldt. Its theoretical basis is the nationalist educational thought and the theory of education and state formation. This paradigm regards the world of nation-state as a world where interests are divided, and national interests and national loyalty are the starting point of higher education, and advocates the establishment of national education system and its control through financial allocation. Higher education should train elites for nation-states and consciously become the tools of the country. The nation-state belief of this kind of higher education lasted until the end of 1970s, and met the severe challenge of globalization. All kinds of local amendments have been difficult to cope with the overall pressure, and the paradigm transformation trend has become inevitable.
【作者单位】: 重庆文理学院;


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