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发布时间:2019-05-29 18:08
【摘要】:教师自古以来就是一项神圣的职业,高校教师是教师队伍中的一个特殊群体,作为我国高等教育发展的中坚力量,他们不仅引导当代大学生德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,担任着培养社会主义高级人才的重要使命,是未来知识分子的教育者和培养者,同时也承担着创新国家科技、发展国家经济的重要使命,是国家科研工作的实践者。随着高校人事制度改革,特别是各种考核和绩效工资的深入改革,高校教师面临的压力不断增长,不断影响了生存质量水平,也影响了工作的效绩,其身心健康状况不容乐观。因此,对高校教师的生活质量和工作倦怠进行研究,改善教师身心健康状况是发展高等教育急需解决的问题。 本文以体育学、管理学、运动医学、心理学、社会学等作为课题研究的理论基础,在总结国内外相关文献的基础上,制定实证研究方案,设计调查问卷,选取4所普通高校的教师作为研究对象进行调查,运用文献资料法、访谈调查法、问卷调查法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法,分别对高校教师生存质量和工作倦怠的现状进行了调查,根据调查情况分析了EAP符合目前高校的需要,并运用健身干预方法进行试验,通过描述性统计分析、多变量变方分析和单因子差异分析等对高校教师健身前后差异进行评价,通过调查统计结果结合访谈进行讨论。 本文通过基于EAP采用健身干预方法对高校教师生活质量和工作倦怠的研究,得出以下结论: 第一,目前高校教师的健康状况在整体上与普通人群无显著性差异,但略低于普通人群;工作倦怠在整体上并不严重,但工作倦怠现象已比较普遍,生活工作方面的问题初露端倪。EAP主要通过专业人员对员工提供专业指导、培训和咨询,帮助解决员工个人生活方面问题和工作方面问题。EAP的减压、排泄情绪和疏通情感、更好的规划职业生涯发展、改善组织环境等作用适合在高校开展,EAP不仅可以为高校人力资源管理帮助教师提高生活质量和缓解工作倦怠现象提供一个制度性的平台,还能体现出人性关怀理念,对开发与整合高校人力资源有着重要意义。健身干预方法作为EAP的一种模式,它有以下成本低、易接受和易操作的优势利于EAP在当前高校开展。 第二,健身途径对高校教师的生存质量的改善是显著的,总体情况来看,实验后生存质量8个维度均有所提高,并且生理职能、躯体疼痛、一般健康、精力、社会功能、情感职能和精神健康7个维度得分提高值呈显著性。健身对不同年龄、月收入和职称的教师的生存质量带来的效果不一样,实验组45岁以上教师在生理职能、躯体疼痛、一般健康、精力、社会功能、情感职能和精神健康7个维度上提高呈显著性,45岁以下教师在精力和精神健康2个维度的提高呈显著性;实验组月收入不足6000元的教师以及助教和讲师,精力和精神健康2个维度的提高呈显著性,而月收入超过6000元的教师以及副教授和教师,生理职能、躯体疼痛、一般健康、精力、社会功能、情感职能和精神健康7个维度的提高呈显著性。健身途径对改善高年龄教师、高收入教师和高职称教师的生存质量更显著。 第三,健身途径可以缓解高校教师的工作倦怠现象,总体情况来看,实验后工作倦怠3个维度均有所提高,并且情感衰竭与去个性化2个维度得分降低值呈显著性。健身对不同性别和婚姻的教师的工作倦怠带来的效果不一样,实验组男性教师在情绪衰竭维度上的降低呈显著性,男女教师都在去个性化维度上的降低呈显著性;实验组未婚教师在去个性化维度上的降低呈显著性,已婚教师在情绪衰竭维度上的降低呈显著性。健身途径对缓解男性教师和离异教师的工作倦怠现象更显著。 第四,不同的锻炼频率、锻炼时间以及锻炼强度对改善教师的生存质量和缓解教师的工作倦怠有着不同的影响作用,平均每周锻炼3次以上、每次锻炼时间1小时以上及每次锻炼基本能做到“出大汗”,这三种情况在增高生存质量8个维度和减低工作倦怠3个维度的得分均呈显著,产生的健身效果最佳,在健身时要综合考虑的锻炼频率、锻炼时间和锻炼强度三方面因素。 本文通过实证调查研究得到了一定的结论,同时还对本文存在的不足进行了总结,主要包括:一是调查问卷的局限、选项标量差异和理解差异。本研究中所使用的调查问卷,只是表层的、询问式的了解教师对生存质量和工作倦怠成因的感知,而在实际分析中直接作为调研结果,有一定局限性;在自行设计的问卷部分,题目选项中标量的界定,对调查的结果会造成一定误差;同时每个教师对问卷的理解有所区别,容易造成填写量表的理解差异。二是观察对象分析得不全面。本文只对总体效果呈显著的观察对象进行多维度分析差异,实际上总体效果不显著的观察对象可能出现部分维度显著,部分维度不显著,忽略了一些观察对象。三是缺少分析锻炼频率、时间和强度的交互影响作用。本研究由于各受试教师生理条件的不同,只对受试者的锻炼频率、锻炼时间及锻炼强度与生存质量和职业倦怠的关系进行单因素方差分析,没有深入分析锻炼频率、锻炼时间及锻炼强度三者间的交互影响作用。
[Abstract]:The teacher has been a sacred profession since ancient times, and the university teachers are a special group in the teaching staff, as the medium and strong force of the development of higher education in our country, and they not only guide the contemporary college students' morality, intelligence, body, beauty and labor in all-round development, As an important mission to train the socialist high-level talents, it is the educator and the culture of the future intellectuals. At the same time, the important mission of the innovation of the national science and technology and the development of the national economy is the practitioner of the national scientific research. With the reform of the personnel system in colleges and universities, in particular the in-depth reform of various assessment and performance pay, the pressure of the university teachers is increasing, and the quality of life is continuously affected, and the performance of the work is also affected. Therefore, to study the quality of life and job burnout of the university teachers, to improve the physical and mental health of the teachers is a problem to be solved in the development of higher education. Based on the research of sports, management, sports medicine, psychology, sociology and so on, this paper, on the basis of summarizing the relevant literature at home and abroad, set up an empirical research project, design and survey the questionnaire, and select the teachers in the four universities as the research object. The present situation of college teachers' quality of life and job burnout was investigated by means of the methods of literature, interview, questionnaire, experiment and mathematical statistics. In order to study the difference between the pre-and post-exercise of the university teachers by means of descriptive statistics, variable quantitative analysis and single-factor difference analysis, the paper discussed the differences between the pre-and post-exercise of the university teachers by means of descriptive statistics, variable quantitative analysis and single-factor analysis. On the basis of the study of the quality of life and job burnout of the university teachers based on the method of EAP, the paper draws the conclusion that Conclusion: First, there is no significant difference between the health status of the university and the general population in the whole, but it is slightly lower In the general population, job burnout is not serious in the whole, but the job burnout phenomenon is more common, the life work aspect The first show is that EAP is mainly through the professional staff to provide professional guidance, training and consultation to the staff to help solve the problem of personal life and work of the staff As a result, EAP's functions of reducing pressure, draining emotion and dredging emotion, better planning career development, improving the environment of the organization and so on are suitable to be carried out in colleges and universities. EAP can not only provide a system for improving the quality of life and relieving the job burnout of the teachers in the management of human resources in colleges and universities. The platform of the degree of human nature can also reflect the concept of human nature, and it is necessary to develop and integrate human resources in colleges and universities. As a model of the EAP, the fitness intervention method has the following advantages: low cost, easy acceptance and easy operation, The second, the body-building approach to the improvement of the quality of life of the university teachers is remarkable, in the general situation, the survival quality of the experiment is improved after the experiment, and the physiological function, physical pain, general health, 7 dimension scores for energy, social function, emotional function and mental health The effect of body-building on the quality of life of the teachers with different ages, monthly income and professional title is different, and the teachers in the experimental group have the physiological functions, physical pain, general health, The level of energy, social function, emotional function and mental health increased significantly, and teachers under the age of 45 were significant in the improvement of the two dimensions of energy and mental health; the teachers with less than 6,000 yuan in the experimental group and 2 dimensions of teaching assistants and lecturers, energy and mental health The increase in the monthly income of more than 6,000 yuan, as well as an associate professor and a teacher, a physical function, physical pain, general health, energy, social function, emotional function and mental health 7 dimensions The method of body-building is significant to the improvement of high-age teachers, high-income teachers and high-title teachers. The third, the body-building approach can alleviate the job burnout of the university teachers. In general, the three dimensions of the post-experiment job burnout have been improved, and the emotional exhaustion and the depersonalization are 2 dimensions. The effect of body-building on the job burnout of teachers of different sex and marriage is different. The decrease of male teachers in the experimental group is significant in the dimension of emotional exhaustion, and both male and female teachers are on the way to individualize the dimension. The decrease of the degree is significant; the decrease of the unwed teachers in the experimental group is significant in the depersonalization dimension, and the married teachers are in the emotional exhaustion dimension The decrease in the degree of fitness is significant. The way of fitness is to relieve male and divorced teachers. The fourth, the different exercise frequency, the exercise time and the exercise intensity have different effects on improving the quality of the teacher's life and relieving the teacher's job burnout, the average exercise is more than three times a week, and each time the exercise time is more than 1 hour and the exercise is basically the same as the "swea" ", the three conditions are significant in increasing the quality of life of 8 dimensions and reducing the 3 dimensions of job burnout, the result of the exercise is the best, the exercise frequency to be considered in the body-building is the best, and during the exercise, In this paper, some conclusions are obtained through the empirical investigation, and the deficiency in this paper is also summarized. The first is the survey of the bureau of the questionnaire. The questionnaire, which is used in this study, is only the surface of the questionnaire, which is the perception of the quality of life and the cause of job burnout, and it has some limitations in the actual analysis as a result of the investigation. in part, that definition of the scalar in the topic option will cause some error for the result of the survey; at the same time, each teacher is different to the understanding of the questionnaire, Easy to understand differences in the fill-in scale Second, the analysis of the observation object is not comprehensive. This paper only makes a multi-dimensional analysis difference of the observation object which has a significant effect on the overall effect. In fact, the observation object with no significant overall effect may have a significant part of the dimension and part of the dimension. It's not obvious that some of the observation objects are ignored. Third, we lack the analysis of the frequency of exercise. The effects of the interaction of time and intensity on the physical condition of the subject are different, and only the frequency of exercise, the exercise time and the relationship between the exercise intensity and the quality of life and the job burnout of the subject are the single-factor variance. Analysis, not in-depth analysis of exercise frequency, exercise time, and forging


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