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发布时间:2019-06-04 21:33
[Abstract]:The education of college students' consumption view is an educational behavior which mainly studies the consumption behavior and consumption consciousness in college students' group consumption life, and helps college students to establish a correct consumption view. Nowadays, consumption has become an indispensable part of public life. To a certain extent, the concept of consumption of college students also reflects the world outlook, outlook on life and values of college students. The establishment of a correct concept of consumption for college students is the inherent requirement of building a harmonious society and an important guarantee for strengthening the socialist core value system. This paper starts with the significance of college students' consumption view education, the present situation and problem analysis of college students' consumption view education, and fully understands this phenomenon in a comprehensive and scientific way. According to the existing problems and the development trend of college students' consumption view education, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to obtain the actual effect of college students' consumption view education, cultivate the consumption concept of college students' health and civilization, and help the college students to grow healthily.


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