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发布时间:2019-06-11 13:40
【摘要】:自90年代末实施高等教育扩招以后,中国在2002年的毛入学率超过15%,已经步入高等教育大众化阶段,到2005年底,高等教育毛入学率达到21%,进入大众化发展阶段。然而,在急速的增长速度下,我国高等院校出现了“培养人才同质化”、“办学同质化”的现象,使得培养的人才缺少竞争力,难以满足社会的多样化需求。本文正是基于这种形势下,针对我国普通高校的差异化定位问题,提出了自己的思考和分析。并希望通过对此分析,能够为我国各普通高校在进行自身定位时实施差异化战略提供借鉴和参考。 论文主要以市场营销理论为基础,运用系统的分析方法,对我国普通高校如何进行差异化定位做了分析和探讨。首先,对我国普通高校面临的环境进行了分析,同时比较分析了国内外的高校差异化现象,阐明我国普通高校进行差异化定位的必要性;其次,引入STP营销理论,通过对我国普通高校教育市场的细分及选择细分目标市场,运用$APPEALS方法进行差异化定位;第三,提出了我国普通高校实施差异化战略的发展思路,从不同的角度切入,提出了一些具体措施。最后,为了更好的展示普通高校实施差异化发展的效果,选取了一个差异化办学特色明显的普通高校案例,对其发展特色和措施进行了综合分析,,以期为其他普通高校提供一些借鉴和实践参考,从而在社会和高等教育的发展中找准自己的生存发展空间。 通过对我国普通高校差异化定位问题的整理和分析,可以感受到其定位的复杂性。差异化策略的成败对营销实践的成败具有决定影响,根据不断变化的环境和政策调节普通高校的定位策略和措施,是当前我国普通高校的最佳选择。
[Abstract]:Since the expansion of higher education enrollment in the late 1990s, China's gross enrollment rate in 2002 exceeded 15%, and has entered the stage of popularization of higher education. By the end of 2005, the gross enrollment rate of higher education had reached 21%, entering the stage of popularization. However, under the rapid growth rate, the phenomenon of "homogenization of cultivating talents" and "homogenization of running schools" has appeared in colleges and universities of our country, which makes the trained talents lack of competitiveness and difficult to meet the diversified needs of the society. Based on this situation, this paper puts forward its own thinking and analysis for the differential positioning of colleges and universities in China. It is hoped that through this analysis, it can provide reference and reference for colleges and universities in our country to carry out differentiation strategy when they carry on their own positioning. Based on the marketing theory and using the systematic analysis method, this paper analyzes and discusses how to carry on the differentiation orientation in the ordinary colleges and universities in our country. First of all, this paper analyzes the environment faced by colleges and universities in our country, compares and analyzes the phenomenon of university differentiation at home and abroad, and expounds the necessity of the differentiation orientation of colleges and universities in our country. Secondly, the STP marketing theory is introduced, through the subdivision of the education market of colleges and universities in China and the selection of the target market, the $APPEALS method is used to carry out the differential positioning. Thirdly, the development ideas of implementing differentiation strategy in colleges and universities in China are put forward, and some concrete measures are put forward from different angles. Finally, in order to better show the effect of differentiated development in colleges and universities, this paper selects a case of ordinary colleges and universities with obvious characteristics of running schools, and makes a comprehensive analysis of its development characteristics and measures. In order to provide some reference and practical reference for other colleges and universities, so as to find out their own living and development space in the development of society and higher education. Through the collation and analysis of the problem of differential positioning in colleges and universities in China, we can feel the complexity of its positioning. The success or failure of differentiation strategy has a decisive impact on the success or failure of marketing practice. It is the best choice for colleges and universities in China to adjust the positioning strategies and measures of colleges and universities according to the changing environment and policies.


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