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发布时间:2019-06-14 07:01
【摘要】:随着我国改革开放的不断深入和发展,我国高校学生社团有了巨大的发展和进步。体育社团作为高校学生社团的重要成分也有了很明显的进步和改善,,在高校学生群体中扮演着不可替代的角色为高校学生提供了了解体育项目、参加体育训练的平台和机遇,高校学生体育社团对于高校培养合格的人才具有十分重要的作用。 高校学生体育社团对于高校培养合格的高端人才具有十分重要的作用,近年来广州市高校学生体育社团的数量有了明显增长,社团成员数量也在不断增加。本文从高校学生社团的内涵出发,首先对高校学生体育社团的概念、特点及作用进行了探讨,并对广州市高校学生体育社团的调查问卷反馈的情况进行了分析,提出广州市高校学生由于体育社团先天不足和高校现实的一系列原因严重限制了社团自身的健康发展。通过对广州八所高校的学生体育社团进行调查分析,我们发现其主要问题有以下几点:高校学生体育社团物质条件难有保证,高校领导层对于高校学生体育社团不够重视;高校学生体育社团活动不够丰富,不能满足高校学生的需求;高校学生体育社团的管理人员服务意识差且能力参差不齐;体育社团宣传力度、强度和手段还十分欠缺;高校学生体育社团管理制度不够健全,缺少整体规划和整体联系等。通过各种途径解决好这些问题是高校学生体育社团所面临的十分紧迫的问题,本文通过调查问卷的形式,探讨了一下几种解决途径高校相关部门应加大支持力度,扩宽社团活动经费来源;加强制度建设,规范社团行为;扩宽社团活动经费来源;加强社团宣传,增加宣传途径;加强与其他社团和学校的交流,培养有特色的社团品牌活动;加强社团管理人员的培训,严格选拔和定期考核。
[Abstract]:With the deepening and development of reform and opening up in China, college student associations in China have made great progress. As an important component of college student associations, sports associations have also made obvious progress and improvement. they play an irreplaceable role in providing college students with a platform and opportunity to understand sports and participate in physical training. College students' sports associations play a very important role in cultivating qualified talents in colleges and universities. College student sports associations play a very important role in cultivating qualified high-end talents in colleges and universities. in recent years, the number of college students' sports associations in Guangzhou has increased obviously, and the number of association members is also increasing. Starting from the connotation of college student associations, this paper first probes into the concept, characteristics and functions of college students' sports associations, analyzes the feedback of questionnaires on college students' sports associations in Guangzhou, and puts forward that the healthy development of college students in Guangzhou is seriously limited by a series of reasons for the inherent shortcomings of sports associations and the reality of colleges and universities. Through the investigation and analysis of student sports associations in eight colleges and universities in Guangzhou, we find that the main problems are as follows: the material conditions of college students' sports associations are difficult to guarantee, the leadership of colleges and universities do not attach enough importance to college students' sports associations, the activities of college students' sports associations are not rich enough to meet the needs of university students, and the managers of college students' sports associations have poor service consciousness and uneven ability. The propaganda strength, intensity and means of sports associations are still very lacking; the management system of sports associations of college students is not perfect, and the overall planning and overall connection are lacking. It is a very urgent problem for college students' sports associations to solve these problems through various ways. Through the form of questionnaire, this paper probes into several ways to solve these problems: the relevant departments of colleges and universities should strengthen their support and broaden the sources of funds for community activities; strengthen the system construction, standardize the behavior of associations; broaden the sources of funds for community activities; strengthen the publicity of associations and increase the ways of propaganda. Strengthen exchanges with other associations and schools, cultivate distinctive community brand activities, strengthen the training of community managers, strict selection and regular assessment.


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