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发布时间:2019-06-15 06:07
【摘要】:大学生思想教育是人们长期谈论的的课题,同时它的研究和开展又随着时间的流逝不断地发展变化。最近以来,西方个人主义思想作为一种社会意识不断的影响着我国当今社会,影响着我国人民的思想。当代大学生作为我国社会的一个重要人才储备群体,也受到了西方个人主义思想的冲击,很大一部分大学生也逐渐具有了个人主义思想倾向。大学生作为新世纪社会主义的接班人,是振兴中华的重要后备力量。大学生思想观念的优劣与国家的前途命运息息相关。因此,采取有力措施,纠正大学生的个人主义思想倾向势在必行。 本文分成三大部分。第一部分,从西方和中国两个角度分别阐述个人主义思想的思想渊源和社会基础,并由此归纳出个人主义的基本特征;第二部分,通过对实际的观察,结合大学生思想的实际情况,指出了大学生个人主义思想倾向的种种表现,从社会经济领域、思想文化领域、教育领域等三个方面分析了当代大学生产生个人主义思想倾向的原因。另一方面,大学生自身的很多主观因素也是造成这一影响的重要原因。第三部分,基于于以上种种原因的分析,为了克服大学生个人主义思想倾向,引导大学生树立正确的个人思想和建立社会主义核心价值观,笔者详细地阐述了应该采取的对策和建议。 本文提出对策的主要内容如下:加强社会主义核心价值观教育,坚定大学生的理想信念,树立崇高的思想信仰,,务必坚持以科学的理论作思想指导;给大学生建立良好的学习生活环境,从空间上避免个人主义;传统的思想教育观念要开始转变,从而有效地克服个人主义的思想倾向;针对个人主义思想倾向,加强德育教育;改进思想教育载体,多种手段克服个人主义思想倾向
[Abstract]:Ideological education of college students is a topic that people have been talking about for a long time, and its research and development continue to develop and change with the passage of time. Recently, as a kind of social consciousness, western individualism has continuously influenced the present society of our country and the thought of our people. As an important reserve group of talents in our society, contemporary college students have also been impacted by western individualism, and a large number of college students have gradually had the tendency of individualism. As the successors of socialism in the new century, college students are an important reserve force for rejuvenating China. The ideological concept of college students is closely related to the future and destiny of the country. Therefore, it is imperative to take effective measures to correct the individualistic tendency of college students. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part expounds the ideological origin and social foundation of individualism from the western and Chinese angles, and sums up the basic characteristics of individualism. The second part, through the actual observation, combined with the actual situation of college students' thought, points out all kinds of manifestations of college students' individualism thought tendency, and analyzes the causes of contemporary college students' individualism thought tendency from three aspects: social economy field, ideological and cultural field and education field. On the other hand, many subjective factors of college students themselves are also the important reasons for this influence. The third part, based on the analysis of the above reasons, in order to overcome the tendency of college students' individualism, guide college students to establish correct personal thought and establish socialist core values, the author expounds in detail the countermeasures and suggestions that should be taken. The main contents of this paper are as follows: strengthening the education of socialist core values, strengthening the ideals and beliefs of college students, establishing lofty ideological beliefs, we must adhere to the scientific theory as ideological guidance, to establish a good learning and living environment for college students, to avoid individualism in space, the traditional concept of ideological education should begin to change, so as to effectively overcome the ideological tendency of individualism. In view of the tendency of individualism, strengthen moral education, improve the carrier of ideological education, and overcome the tendency of individualism by various means.


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