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发布时间:2019-06-15 09:39
【摘要】:大学生是否拥有积极健康的婚恋观,不但会影响到他们自身的心理健康和家庭幸福,还会影响到大学生群体的综合素质和大学教育的整体发展水平。就目前社会风气来看,这将是一个影响到国民基本素质和社会主义社会发展的重大问题。本文在分析国内外关于大学生婚恋观的研究现状基础上,从“婚恋观”概念的内涵与外延入手,结合实际情况设计了“大学生婚恋心理调查问卷”。重点针对“恋爱动机”、“对婚姻的看法”、“对婚姻基础的理解”、“对恋爱与学习关系的理解”等一系列问题进行广泛的抽样调查,并以调查数据为依据从生理学、心理学、社会学、教育学等多个角度分析了大学生婚恋观形成的主客观原因。在此基础上从婚恋观教育的目标与内容、实践性与参与性、普遍化与个性化教育等几个方面对大学生婚恋观教育的有效方法及教育渠道进行了深入探讨,为大学生健康恋爱心理与行为的培养提供理论依据与方法指引。 1、以大庆地区大学生为例,围绕婚恋问题,通过调查、访谈、问卷等形式,,科学分析系统得出当下大学生婚恋观的共性与差异性现状; 2、在详细分析大学生多元化婚恋观成因的基础上,从理论到现实,从家庭到社会进行多层次、多角度分析,构建积极的系统教育体系; 3、从提高对婚恋观教育重要性的认识基础上,根据构建婚恋观教育理论的基本原则,并结合生理学、心理学、社会学、教育学等综合知识,提出大学生婚恋观教育的具体方法和有效对策。
[Abstract]:Whether college students have a positive and healthy view of marriage and love will not only affect their own mental health and family happiness, but also affect the comprehensive quality of college students and the overall development level of university education. As far as the current social atmosphere is concerned, this will be a major issue affecting the basic quality of the people and the development of socialist society. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the research on the concept of marriage and love of college students at home and abroad, this paper designs a questionnaire on the psychology of marriage and love of college students from the connotation and extension of the concept of "concept of marriage and love". This paper focuses on a series of questions, such as "love motivation", "view of marriage", "understanding of the basis of marriage" and "understanding of the relationship between love and learning". Based on the survey data, this paper analyzes the subjective and objective reasons for the formation of college students' view of marriage and love from the angles of physiology, psychology, sociology, pedagogy and so on. On this basis, this paper probes into the effective methods and educational channels of college students' view of marriage and love from the aspects of the goal and content, practicality and participation, universality and individualized education of college students' view of marriage and love, so as to provide theoretical basis and method guidance for the cultivation of college students' healthy love psychology and behavior. 1. Taking college students in Daqing area as an example, focusing on the problem of marriage and love, through investigation, interview, questionnaire and other forms, the current situation of commonness and difference of college students' view of marriage and love is obtained scientifically. 2, on the basis of detailed analysis of the causes of college students' pluralistic view of marriage and love, from theory to reality, from family to society, a positive systematic education system is constructed. 3. On the basis of improving the understanding of the importance of marriage and love education, according to the basic principles of constructing the theory of marriage and love education, and combining with the comprehensive knowledge of physiology, psychology, sociology, pedagogy and so on, this paper puts forward the concrete methods and effective countermeasures of college students' education of marriage and love view.


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2 麦晓桃;;网络传媒下90后女大学生婚恋观探析[J];文化学刊;2015年01期

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1 畅远鹏;当代大学生婚恋观研究[D];山西财经大学;2017年

2 邓婷;当代大学生爱情观研究[D];中国地质大学(北京);2015年

3 郑跃华;大学生婚恋观现状及教育对策研究[D];四川师范大学;2014年




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