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发布时间:2019-06-20 10:08
【摘要】:随着社会主义市场经济体制在我国的确立,多样化的社会存在形式和多元化的价值取向并存成为社会的显著特征。然而受市场经济负面因素和不良消极文化的影响,许多大学生的思想道德和价值观念出现扭曲。特别是随着社会生活步伐的加快,当今大学生不同程度遭遇着来自学业、就业、适应环境、恋爱、家庭等方面的压力和挫折。尤其是大学生在成长中对追求的目标或者愿望难以实现和满足时,心理上就会失去平衡,常常引起愤怒的情绪。如果在严重的情况下,大学生往往受情绪的支配,行为缺乏理智分析,很容易产生导向他人、自己和他物的各种过激行为。 本论文在综合归纳前人研究成果基础上,对当代大学生过激行为问题进行了系统深入的研究。全文从四部分进行论述: 第一部分问绪论部分,阐述了选题的目的和意义、研究方法和创新点,回顾了国内外关于大学生过激行为的研究现状。 第二部分主要是阐述了过激行为的几个概念,并概述了过激行为对大学生成长和发展带来的消极影响以及过激行为的相关理论。 第三部分归纳了大学生过激行为内涵、大学生过激行为的表现以及产生的原因,这是本文研究大学生过激行为的核心。 第四部分结合当前大学生过激行为的现状,从四个方面提出了大学生过激行为的防范措施,,为预防大学生过激行为提供了一定的可行性措施,这也是本文研究的重点。 帮助大学生及时消除心理压力、心理障碍等问题,防止过激行为的产生,保障大学生健康成长、全面发展,并使得他们顺利完成学业,不仅是高校思想政治教育目的所在,也是促进社会、学校、家庭和谐发展的前提。因此研究大学生过激行为问题具有重要的理论和现实意义。
[Abstract]:With the establishment of socialist market economy system in our country, the coexistence of diversified social existence forms and pluralistic value orientation has become a remarkable feature of society. However, under the influence of negative factors of market economy and bad negative culture, many college students' ideology, morality and values are distorted. Especially with the acceleration of the pace of social life, today's college students encounter pressures and setbacks from studies, employment, adaptation to the environment, love, family and so on. Especially when college students are difficult to achieve and satisfy the goals or aspirations they pursue in their growth, they will lose their balance psychologically and often lead to anger. If under serious circumstances, college students are often dominated by emotion and lack of rational analysis of behavior, it is easy to produce all kinds of excessive behaviors that guide others, themselves and other things. On the basis of summing up the previous research results, this paper makes a systematic and in-depth study on the excessive behavior of contemporary college students. The full text is discussed from four parts: the first part asks the introduction part, expounds the purpose and significance of the topic, the research methods and innovations, and reviews the research status of college students' excessive behavior at home and abroad. The second part mainly expounds several concepts of excessive behavior, and summarizes the negative effects of excessive behavior on the growth and development of college students and the related theories of excessive behavior. The third part summarizes the connotation of college students' excessive behavior, the performance of college students' excessive behavior and the causes, which is the core of this paper to study the excessive behavior of college students. The fourth part, combined with the current situation of college students' excessive behavior, puts forward the preventive measures of college students' excessive behavior from four aspects, which provides some feasible measures for preventing college students' excessive behavior, which is also the focus of this paper. It is not only the purpose of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, but also the premise of promoting the harmonious development of society, school and family to help college students eliminate psychological pressure, psychological obstacles and other problems in time, prevent the emergence of excessive behavior, ensure the healthy growth and all-round development of college students, and make them complete their studies smoothly. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the problem of excessive behavior of college students.


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