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发布时间:2019-06-21 05:18
[Abstract]:The "Outstanding engineer Education and training Plan" requires that the engineering talents trained in colleges and universities should not only have strong engineering professional ability, but also have the engineering ethics and moral quality, which is beneficial to the engineering technical talents to give full play to their professional competence in the future engineering practice. A questionnaire survey was conducted among the students of the pilot department of the Outstanding engineer Education and training Program in a 985 college. It was found that the explicit vocational competence and the hidden professional competence of the students in the pilot college had different dimensions. Since admission, the explicit competence of the students participating in the "Outstanding engineer Education and training Program" has been rapidly improved, while the promotion of hidden competence is still insufficient. This result shows that the "Excellence Plan" should strengthen the construction of engineering ethics course on the basis of improving the explicit professional competence in order to improve the hidden professional competence.
【作者单位】: 天津大学教育学院;天津大学求是学部;
【基金】:天津市高等教育学会“十二五”教育科学规划重点研究课题“工程伦理视域下卓越工程师教育培养计划的人才学解读”(125z005) 中国学位与研究生教育学会2013年研究课题“研究生复试引入心理测试的现实问题及对策研究”(B2-2013Y11-158)研究成果之一


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