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发布时间:2019-06-27 15:26
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国民办高等教育发展迅速。目前民办高等教育与公办高等教育共同组成了我国高等教育体系。民办高等教育属于特殊准公共品,且具有经验品属性,关系到受教育者的切身利益。因此,政府对民办高等教育实施管制具有必要性。在民办高等教育发展演变的三十多年里,我国政府对民办高等教育的管制一定程度上在促进民办高等教育发展方面起到积极作用。但管制过程中存在错位、越位等问题又在一定程度上阻碍了民办高等教育的发展。鉴于此,如何优化我国民办高等教育政府管制政策是值得研究的重点课题。通过梳理相关文献,本文将以制度经济理论以及声誉理论为依据,分析我国民办高等教育的发展演变历程,探讨我国民办高等教育政府管制现状,并借鉴发达国家政府管制私立高等教育的经验,研究我国民办高等教育政府管制政策优化问题。 本文首先界定民办高等教育的特定内涵,并阐述民办高等教育发展演变的三个阶段,基于诱致性变迁视角分析民办高等教育发展特征。运用声誉理论及其经典KMRW模型分析民办高等教育的路径依赖,提出声誉在民办高校发展中的重要性。 鉴于民办高等教育特殊性,为促进民办高等教育的发展,本文认为政府对民办高等教育实施相应管制有其必要性。本文从管制政策、法规和管制手段、内容等方面分析我国政府管制民办高等教育的现状,探讨目前政府管制中存在的主要问题,即政府越位管制侵犯了民办高校的办学自主权、政府管制程序缺失、管制法律法规及政策虚置且滞后、政府缺失对民办高等教育的激励性管制,并进一步分析政府管制效率低下、管制法规不完备、管制机制不健全和管制监督机制缺失等问题。 其次,本文通过对日本和美国两个发达国家政府对其私立高等教育管制历程的解读,分析两个国家政府独特的管制经验,从而提炼出适用于我国政府管制民办高等教育的重要经验启示:完善法律制度、保障民办高等教育的办学自主权、重视激励性管制在民办高等教育领域的运用、大力发展教育中介组织。 最后,本文设计符合我国高等教育发展规律的管制政策。具体包括:完善民办高等教育的法律制度环境是前提,政府不仅要保障民办高等教育和公办高等教育一致的平等法律地位,更要尽快调整并出台配套的法律法规,同时加大对民办高校的违法违规行为的惩处力度。政府必须放松学历授予权管制,放松对专业及课程设置管制,从而放松对民间资金进入民办高等教育领域的管制,为民办高等教育提供更多的办学自主权。政府应大力扶持并发展民办高等教育中介组织,建立完善的民办高校声誉评价体系,激励民办高校自律管制,实施差异化价格管制,建立相应的政府补助机制。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, private higher education in China has developed rapidly. At present, private higher education and public higher education constitute the higher education system of our country. Private higher education belongs to special quasi-public goods and has the attribute of empirical goods, which is related to the vital interests of the educated. Therefore, it is necessary for the government to regulate private higher education. In the more than 30 years of the development and evolution of private higher education, the regulation of private higher education by our government has played a positive role in promoting the development of private higher education to a certain extent. However, there are some problems in the process of regulation, such as dislocation, offside and so on, which hinder the development of private higher education to a certain extent. In view of this, how to optimize the government regulation policy of private higher education in China is a key topic worthy of study. By combing the relevant literature, this paper will analyze the development and evolution of private higher education in China on the basis of institutional economic theory and reputation theory, explore the current situation of government regulation of private higher education in China, and learn from the experience of developed countries in regulating private higher education, and study the optimization of government regulatory policy of private higher education in China. This paper first defines the specific connotation of private higher education, and expounds the three stages of the development and evolution of private higher education, and analyzes the development characteristics of private higher education from the perspective of induced change. This paper analyzes the path dependence of private higher education by using reputation theory and its classical KMRW model, and puts forward the importance of reputation in the development of private colleges and universities. In view of the particularity of private higher education, in order to promote the development of private higher education, this paper holds that it is necessary for the government to carry out the corresponding regulation of private higher education. This paper analyzes the present situation of government regulation of private higher education from the aspects of regulatory policy, regulation and control means, and probes into the main problems existing in government regulation at present, that is, government offside regulation infringes on the autonomy of running private colleges and universities, the lack of government regulatory procedures, the deficiency and lag of regulatory laws and regulations, and the lack of incentive control of private higher education by the government. It also further analyzes the problems of low efficiency of government regulation, incomplete regulation and regulations, imperfect control mechanism and lack of control and supervision mechanism. Secondly, through the interpretation of the regulatory process of private higher education by the governments of Japan and the United States, this paper analyzes the unique regulatory experience of the governments of the two countries, so as to extract the important experience and enlightenment suitable for the government of our country to regulate private higher education: perfecting the legal system, ensuring the autonomy of private higher education, and attaching importance to the application of incentive regulation in the field of private higher education. Vigorously develop educational intermediary organizations. Finally, this paper designs a regulatory policy in line with the law of higher education development in China. The concrete includes: perfecting the legal system environment of private higher education is the premise, the government should not only ensure the equal legal status of private higher education and public higher education, but also adjust and issue supporting laws and regulations as soon as possible, and at the same time strengthen the punishment of illegal and illegal acts in private colleges and universities. The government must relax the control of the right to grant academic qualifications, relax the regulation of major and curriculum, so as to relax the control of private funds entering the field of private higher education, and provide more autonomy for private higher education. The government should vigorously support and develop the intermediary organizations of private higher education, establish a perfect reputation evaluation system of private colleges and universities, encourage the self-regulation of private colleges and universities, implement differential price control, and establish the corresponding government subsidy mechanism.


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