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发布时间:2019-07-04 12:20
【摘要】:近年来,我国旅游业较长期的保持7%的年均增长率,已经成为国民经济新的增长点和经济发展的支柱性产业之一,整个行业人才的需求量连年递增。于此同时,旅游教育的高校招生规模也越来越大,有越来越多的人才选择投身于旅游行业。但是经过四年的本科学习,不禁发现,旅游管理专业本科毕业生就业情况并不乐观。市场对应用性人才的渴求与学校注重理论教学的模式出现了偏差与代沟。 旅游管理专业是在管理学知识的基础上极其注重应用与实践的一门学科。因此,本科教育的目标不仅满足于学生对课堂理论知识的消化,更注重培养学生的专业素养、动手能力、调查研究能力、服务与管理意识等。这就要求在整个旅游管理教学大纲中凸显实践教学地位,深化实践教学内涵,丰富实践教学手段,强化实践教学效果。相对于课堂知识的灌输而言,实践教学更加直观、生动,更能激发学生的学习热情,通过学生的亲身体验以增强其对职场环境的感性认识,对专业技能的精准把握,对职业生涯的准确定位。 因此,本文尝试着利用探索性因子分析法,进行旅游管理专业实践教学指标体系评价的探讨与构建。此外,对9所开办旅游管理专业的本科院校的大四学生(及部分大三学生)进行问卷调查,就其对各自院校旅游管理实践教学的实际情况的重要性和满意度进行打分。以IPA分析法,从三个层面进行实践指标体系的归纳与总结,得到以下结论: 一、旅游管理专业实践教学指标体系共包含6大板块,25项指标因素。 二、25项指标因素的重要性与满意度情况为:满意度的平均得分低于重要性得分。两者都处在“一般”到“比较重要”(“比较满意”)之间。 三、对6大板块的重要性与满意度情况分析表明,校内专业技能实践得分最高,专业科研实践得分最低。 四、对9所院校的分析结果表明,就重要性和满意度感知而言,一类本科院校平均得分均超过二类本科院校的得分。 研究的创新之处如下: 本文从旅游管理专业建设的实际问题出发,尝试用定量的方法构建旅游管理专业实践教学指标体系,选题比较新颖。其次,通过对指标体系满意度、重要性的双重调查,创新性的引用了IPA分析法和双因素分析法分析旅游教学领域的相关问题。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's tourism industry has maintained an average annual growth rate of 7% for a long time, which has become one of the new growth points of the national economy and one of the pillar industries of economic development, and the demand for talents in the whole industry has increased year by year. At the same time, the enrollment scale of tourism education colleges and universities is becoming larger and larger, and more talents choose to devote themselves to the tourism industry. However, after four years of undergraduate study, I can not help but find that the employment situation of tourism management graduates is not optimistic. There is a deviation and generation gap between the thirst for applied talents in the market and the mode of paying attention to theoretical teaching in schools. Tourism management specialty is a subject that pays great attention to application and practice on the basis of management knowledge. Therefore, the goal of undergraduate education is not only satisfied with students' digestion of classroom theoretical knowledge, but also pays more attention to the cultivation of students' professional literacy, hands-on ability, investigation and research ability, service and management consciousness and so on. This requires highlighting the position of practical teaching in the whole syllabus of tourism management, deepening the connotation of practical teaching, enriching the means of practical teaching and strengthening the effect of practical teaching. Compared with the indoctrination of classroom knowledge, practical teaching is more intuitive, vivid, and can stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. Through students' personal experience, they can enhance their perceptual understanding of the workplace environment, accurately grasp their professional skills, and accurately position their career. Therefore, this paper attempts to use exploratory factor analysis to evaluate the practical teaching index system of tourism management specialty. In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the senior students (and some junior students) from 9 colleges and universities majoring in tourism management, and their importance and satisfaction with the actual situation of tourism management practice teaching in their respective colleges and universities were scored. With IPA analysis method, the practical index system is summarized and summarized from three levels, and the following conclusions are obtained: first, the practical teaching index system of tourism management specialty consists of 6 sections and 25 index factors. Second, the importance and satisfaction of 25 index factors are as follows: the average score of satisfaction is lower than the score of importance. Both are between "general" and "more important" ("more satisfactory"). Third, the analysis of the importance and satisfaction of the six sectors shows that the practice score of professional skills in the school is the highest, and the score of professional scientific research practice is the lowest. Fourth, the analysis results of 9 colleges and universities show that the average scores of the first class of colleges and universities are higher than those of the second type of colleges and universities in terms of importance and satisfaction perception. The innovations of the study are as follows: starting from the practical problems of tourism management specialty construction, this paper tries to construct the practical teaching index system of tourism management specialty by quantitative method, and the topic is relatively novel. Secondly, through the dual investigation of the satisfaction and importance of the index system, the IPA analysis method and the two-factor analysis method are used to analyze the related problems in the field of tourism teaching.


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